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并为蕨类植物孢粉学和系统学研究提供基础资料。They can also provide basic information about the palynology and phylogeny of ferns.

为蕨类植物系统学和孢粉学研究积累资料。The results will provide basic information for the palynology and phylogeny of ferns.

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为梅花的花粉鉴别、品种选育、分类及孢粉学提供了依据。The result provides scientific reference for pollen identification, breeding and palynology.

进行孢粉学研究,临界点干燥法优于自然干燥法。So the critical point drying method is better than the natural drying method for palynology research.

此外,还提供大量的孢粉学与考古学相关链接。It offers also an extensive and annotated list of links to palynology and archaeology related websites.

本文探讨了孢粉学在研究古植被、古气候、古地理方面的意义。Palynology is a powerful means of scientific research not only in biostratigraphy but also in palaeoenvironment.

孢粉学在全球环境演变研究中提供了大量证据,发挥了重大作用,成果显著。Palynology which provides numerous evidences plays an important role and makes great contributions to the research on Holocene environment changes.

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根据表面纹饰并结合聚类分析对杏品种进行分类是一个有效的方法。The surface sculpture observation integrated with cluster analysis was a resultful method to group varieties of apricot with the aid of palynology.

孢粉学在目前的全球变化研究中非常活跃,为全球变化方面的研究做出了重大贡献,并取得了显著的成就。Palynology is a popular Methodology used in the global change research at present. It has done great contribution to researches on global change, and gained remarkable achievement.

环境考古学是近二三十年来在第四纪地质学、考古学、孢粉学等学科大发展的基础上展开的科学研究新领域,它是许多学科交叉研究中诞生的新学科。Based on the development of such disciplines as Quaternary Geology, Archaeology and Palynology , a new cross-discipline named Environmental Archaeology has been developing rapidly recently.

该文主要对国内外学者在分类学、形态学、孢粉学、细胞学、植物化学、分子系统学、应用前景等方面的研究进展进行了综述。Most species of Michelia possess important economic value. The classification, morphology, palynology , cytology, phytochemistry, molecular phylogeny and utilization of Michelia are reviewed.

通过举办定期会议,促进世界各国研究人员的国际交流与合作,加快孢粉学及相关学科的发展。Its goals are to advance knowledge in palynology and related subjects by promotion of international cooperation and sponsorship of regular meetings between palynologists of all countries and regions.