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那些商店灯光明亮。The shops were brilliantly lit up.

她的珠宝在灯光下灿烂发光。Her jewels shone brilliantly in the lamplight.

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她的文章精辟地批驳了他的论点。Her article brilliantly demolishes his argument.

默多克先生很漂亮地打胜了一场硬仗。Murdoch has played a difficult hand brilliantly.

她的文章精辟地批驳了他的论点。Herr article brilliantly demolishes his argument.

所有沟通项目都将大放异彩。All communication projects will shine brilliantly.

我认为琼斯把握丛林战非常到位。I think Jones captured jungle warfare brilliantly.

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他们写得太才华横溢、太清晰了,When something is brilliantly and clearly written,

吉姆演的是独角戏,并且演得很出色。Jim's was a one-man show and he ran it brilliantly.

吉宁是单人表演,而且演得很出色。Geneen was a one-man show and he ran it brilliantly.

我从来没看过京剧表演得如此精彩。I have never seen Beijing Opera performed so brilliantly.

我们一起去过一些很出色的令人发狂的画廊开幕式。We've been to some brilliantly demented gallery openings.

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你落笔时会颤抖胆怯,还是敏锐果敢?Would you strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold?

广场上彻夜灯火通明。The square was brilliantly illuminated throughout the night.

你的笔触会是怯懦的还是大胆的?Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold?

麦克基踏上码头时,太阳正散发出耀眼的光芒。The sun radiated brilliantly as McGee stepped on to the quay.

随着球再次掉到伦农脚下,切赫精彩地把球挡走。As it drops to Lennon again, Cech brilliantly parries it away.

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楼下的窗户被街灯照的亮眼。A downstairs window was brilliantly illuminated by a street lamp.

而此时魔界的花,开得更灿烂了。But at this time the bloom of evil boundary, open more brilliantly.

在这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates.