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然后我将站在你们之间,一个航海者站在许多航海者之间。And then I shall stand among you, a seafarer among seafarers.

船员人身伤亡的案件时有发生。The cases involving personal injury of the seafarer occur from time to time.

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本规例适用于每一名根据船员协议受雇的海员。This Regulation shall apply to every seafarer employed under a crew agreement.

海员的国籍国应即通知海员最近的亲属。The State of nationality of the seafarer should promptly notify the seafarer's next of kin.

贾里德普尔澳大利亚设计师设计并开发了宏伟的海员居住。Australian designer Jared Poole has designed and developed the magnificent Seafarer Residence.

各成员国应为停靠在其港口或通过其领水或内水的船舶上工作的海员的遣返提供便利。In particular, a Member shall not refuse the right of repatriation to any seafarer because of.

主管当局应即通知海员有提出此种要求的权利。The competent authority should promptly inform the seafarer of the right to make such a request.

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但由于船员工作时间的不确定性,导致学习时间的特殊性。But space and time constraints of the seafarer results in the speciality of their time for study.

各成员国应禁止和惩处以任何形式对提出投诉的海员进行迫害的行为。Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization of a seafarer for filing a complaint.

每一海员均有权享受健康保护、医疗、福利措施及其他形式的社会保护。Every seafarer has a right to health protection, medical care, welfare measures and other forms of social protection.

船舶安全配员是保证船舶航行安全的重要条件之一,其与船员工作休息时间和疲劳问题存在密切关系,一直受到广泛关注。It is closely related with seafarer fatigue, work and rest time, and has always been drawing much attention worldwide.

随着仿真技术的发展,船舶操纵模拟器在船员训练方面发挥了巨大的作用。With the development of simulation technology, Ship-handling Simulators play important roles in seafarer education and training.

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我国开放的政策和稳定的政治环境为我国船员劳务输出创造了十分优越的条件。The stable political circumstance and open policy give our seafarer a good chance to go into the international seafarer labor market.

在整个海上交通运输系统中,船员的素质是系统安全状况的一个决定因素。As far as the safety of maritime communication transportation system is concerned, the quality of seafarer is a crucial factor for it.

船员受收回或废止船员服务手册处分者,一并收回或废止其执业证书。Any seafarer that shall have his seafarer book recovered or revoked shall be also liable to the recovery or revocation of seafarer license.

船舶的适航性规定要求船东配备合格的船员,但何谓合格船员,一直以来存在许多争议。Shipowners are required to arrange with qualified seafarer by the ship's seaworthiness. But there always much depute on what is qualified seafarer.

船员管理是水上安全监督工作的重要内容,也是海事主管部门的重要职责之一。Seafarer administration is an important part of maritime safety supervision as well as an important responsibility of maritime administration authority.

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一包庇、唆使或以其他非正当方法使船员私运货物或偷渡人口,经查明有据者。Harboring, instigating or in some other improper ways cause a seafarer engaging in smuggling cargoes or stowaways , which have been proved upon investigation.

世界海员人力资源的重心正慢慢地从欧洲、北美向远东、印度次大陆和东欧转移,亚洲已成为海员劳务输出的主要地区。The global labor market for seafarers is transferring from Europe, North America to Far East, East Europe. The Asia has become main market of seafarer export.

这三方分别是船员联盟,全国职工总会和海运业及新加坡全国雇主联合会。The partners are the seafarer unions and the National Trades Union Congress, as well as the maritime industry and the Singapore National Employers Federation.