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我更喜欢小牛肉。I prefer veal.

牛肉片,先生。Veal cutlet, sir.

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我很想吃一客小牛肉片。I should like a veal cutlet.

他把小牛肉切成肉块。He cut the veal into cutlets.

我晚饭吃炸牛肉排。I had veal cutlets for supper.

将煎好的小牛排放入红酒汁中焖煮。Add in the veal rack and braise.

你觉得牛肉片怎样?How did you find the veal cutlet?

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我也是。那么请给我们来两份小牛肉。So do I. Then please let us have two veal.

小牛肉是小牛犊身上的肉,小羊肉是羔羊身上的肉。Veal is young beef and lamb is a baby sheep.

拉罗,我们有泡好的牛肚吗?Lalo! We have some veal stomach soaking, yes?

嘿,杰克,你更喜欢哪一种,羊肉或小牛肉?Hey, Jack, which do you prefer, mutton or veal?

生薄小牛肉片,黑松露,腌制羊肚菌。Veal carpaccio, truffle, pickled morel mushroom.

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取走保鲜纸,把肉片切成三片。Remove films and cut the veal crosswise in three.

对不起,先生,我们的小牛排卖光了。I'm sorry, sir, but we're all out of the veal cutlet.

将小牛排以调味料腌制后煎至两面金黄色。Season veal rack and pan-fry till brown on both sides.

如果我们吃西餐,我想要一份小菜牛。Well, if we having western food, I might try the veal.

最后将焗好的牛膝放于意大利饭上,趁热上桌。Put the veal shank on the risotto and add the sauce. Serve hot.

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英国的猪肉也很不错,不过,小牛肉,有时就让人有些失望了。English pork is good, but English veal is sometimes disappointing.

即使是“食用”小牛犊也被用来制造高价的小牛犊皮。Even the hides of "veal" calves are made into high-priced calfskin.

把小牛肉片放在两张保鲜纸之间,放在砧板上拍打至所需形状。Lightly pound the veal lean meat on board between two plastic films.