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你总是那么幽默。你跟卓文萱是什么时候认识的。You are still as humourous as ever . When did you get to know Genie?

我的老师,鲍老师,一个戴眼镜的,幽默的,有点老的绅士。My teacher, Mr. Bao, is a very humourous and advanced gentleman, who wears a pair of glasses.

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在我们ACCA的大厚书里我也发现好多地方也有编者的调侃,帮助我们更好得理解那些难懂的专业术语。I find many humourous sentences in our ACCA textbooks which help us better understand those hard terms.

刘大使幽默而又睿智的开场白赢得了现场听众的会心笑声和热烈掌声。The Ambassador's humourous and wise opening remarks received rounds of hearty laughter and warm applause.

我出生在四川成都,怀着一颗真诚的心来到这里,找寻我的人生伴侣,希望他是和善,睿智,包容,幽默有好品行的男士。I mean everything here, to be sincere, and to look for my Mr. Right, a guy who is gentle, kind, humourous with a big heart.

魏晋南北朝时期,产生了篇幅短小、寓讥于谐的谐谑小说。During the Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the bantering novel with humourous and ironical language came into being.

幽默诙谐的导游语言能为游客创造富有魅力和活力的语言氛围,使游客获得精神上的快感。Humourous tour guider language not only provides the visitors with a charming and vivid language atmosphere, but also entertains them mentally.

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他一丝不苟,工作认真,有点严肃,有点搞笑,但大多数时候是个原则性极强的人,绝不违心接受黑白颠倒的事。He is conscientious, commitment , kind of serious , kind of humourous , while most of time he is a man with strong principles who will not easily swallow a camel.

在轻松和幽默的气氛里,每星期日晚11时至12时,我们都在AM1320电台为听众演译和示范一个整全门徒各个层面的生活。In a relaxing and humourous atmosphere, every Sunday night at 11pm at AM1320 we demonstrate to our audience the many facets of the life of an integrated disciple.

呆伯特球迷和读者,现在有机会炫耀他们的才能和证明他们是有趣,更幽默,比漫画家,斯科特亚当斯,在这20岁的美国连环画。Dilbert fans and readers now are given a chance to show off their talents and prove that they are funnier and more humourous than the cartoonist, Scott Adams, in this 20-year-old American comic strip.