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唱片师又放上一碟经典。DJ is putting on his usual disc.

你认为谁是最好的电台节目主持人?Who do you think is the best DJ?

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与其说他是DJ,不如说他是一个艺术家。He is more of an artist than a DJ.

被限制在全国性播放歌单里的假模假式的DJ?A phony DJ trapped in a national playlist?

在演出中,DJ保罗总是露出他的“婴儿手”。DJ Paul keeps his “baby arm” in a cast at all.

如果是男孩是做家教,做调酒师或者DJ都可以啊。If a boy is to do family, do bartenders or DJ can ah.

某天西斯可接到老友DJ吉默打来的电话。One day Sisco got a call from his old friend DJ Gizmo.

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一些本地歌星和988的电台主播也来到现场为我们打气。A few local stars and DJ from 988 were here to support.

DJ产品可以帮助您确定您的人机工程需求。DJ Products can help you determine your ergonomic needs.

你可以建议人们去听那样的DJ。You can propose to people to experience that kind of DJ.

梆加说他首先会投篮,莫里森也这么认为。DJ Mbenga said he would shoot first. So did Adam Morrison.

我们的混音带之一记得我们做的DJ介绍带吗?It's one of our mix tapes. Remember we did the DJ intros ?

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深圳混音俱乐部的DJ都是来自五湖四海。SzMix club DJ all is comes from all corners of the country.

这个DJ把各种不同的音乐混在同一首歌里。The DJ was mixing all sorts oof different music in one song.

科比-卡尔,乔-克劳福德,德怀恩-米切尔,孙悦。Coby Karl, Joe Crawford, DJ Mbenga, Dwayne Mitchell, Sun Yue.

从我开始做DJ的时候,它就是最初的地下音乐。When I started as a DJ. That was the first underground thing.

我是一个学生在美术史的DJ,一个博客,只是偶尔。I'm a student in art history, a blogger, and occasionally a DJ.

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电台主播,最帅的是阿陆,最漂亮的是沈小岚。DJ – The most handsome was Ah Loke, most beautiful was Xiao Lan.

如果音乐节目的支持人在谈话中插播一点乐曲,也许会使气氛好一些。If DJ insert some music in his talking, ambience may be much better.

一,二。一,二。在你眼前的是大名鼎鼎的Funkdoobiest组合成员,流行音乐节目主持人----拉夫尔•M,One, two. One, two. You got DJ Ralph M from the mighty Funkdoobiest,