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他对我像爷爷一样。He's like a granddad to me.

有的,先生。那是我爷爷。Yes, sir. He was my granddad.

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他们还想叫我爷爷呢。They wanted to call me granddad.

这是狗狗丹妮爷爷。Here is Dannie Dog with granddad dog.

我和我爷爷一块住在伦敦市中心。I live with my Granddad in Central London.

老爷爷回忆起旧时的一些逸事。Granddad fetched up some anecdotes of the old days.

彼得本来并不相信相信爸爸真的会把爷爷送走。Peter had not really believed his dad would send Granddad away.

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而我的那些孙子、孙女们呢,没多久便开始叫他爷爷或斯图亚特爷爷了。My grandchildren were soon calling him Granddad or Granddad Stuart.

韦斯莱家可永远不会原谅你嫁给一个纯血统!Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pureblood.

我告诉我爷爷今天发生的一切,也告诉他我今天开始我再也不会住在那了。I told my granddad what happened today and also told him I’d be moving out from today.

大家都沉默不语,接着爸爸朝爷爷走过去,站在他面前,一语不发。There was a silence, and then Dad went over to Granddad and stood before him, not speaking.

他不想在晴朗的月夜,在白色月光的笼罩下,一个人独自与爷爷坐在屋外。He did not want to sit here outside on fine evenings under a white moon with Granddad alone.

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爷爷一走,小彼得不想,也不愿意在晴朗的月夜坐在这老屋的门廊里了。He'd not want, Petey wouldn't, to sit here on the old porch of fine evenings, with Granddad gone.

自从那个星期一的晚上后,昨晚是我爷爷第一次又把我一个人留在了家里。Last night my granddad left me alone in the house again, the first time since Monday night’s incident.

偶和偶爷爷一块住在伦敦市中心。他出去度假了,把偶留在家里,偶得一个人待两个星期。I live with my Granddad in Central London. He went on holiday and left me in the house alone for 2 weeks.

但是他对祖父说卖掉了,他一直把那块手表珍藏在家里面他亲手雕刻的梳妆台的底抽屉里。i know he told granddad he did, but he kept it in the house, in the bottom drawer of the dresser he carved himself.

在泰笛的家里,他已夺去了爷爷,奶奶,小弟弟们以及小妹妹们,还有老画眉!In Tyltyl's family, he had already taken granddad and granny, the little brothers, the little sisters and the old thrush!

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格拉斯哥流浪者队对我感兴趣,但是我一直是要打网球的,尽管我外公为希伯尼安足球俱乐部踢球。Glasgow Rangers were interested in me, but It was always going to betennis for me, even though my granddad played for Hibs.

皓月当空,微风轻轻拂过沟底。小彼得永远也不会像这样听爷爷拉琴了。The silver moon was high overhead, and there was a gentle breeze playing down the gully. He'd never be hearing Granddad play like this again.

每日,这里过往着用方言吆喝的小商贩、安伫着下棋遛鸟的老伯伯。Daily, associate with is worn here the small small retailer that uses dialectal call, An Zhu is worn the granddad of bird of play chess stroll.