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儒家之宗教性的本质是什么?What is the nature of Confucian religiousness?

在你看来,慈善是宗教性的一部分吗?In your vision, is charity a part of religiousness?

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对我而言,幽默感是宗教精神里最精髓的部分。Is one of the most essential parts of religiousness.

敬畏上主是知识的虔敬。The fear of the Lord is the religiousness of knowledge.

佛陀之前有宗教但是没有一个纯粹的宗教性,人们还没有成熟。Before Buddha there were religions but never a pure religiousness. Man was not yet mature.

但是,我们听过或甚至自己也经历过,宗教可是重担的一种。However we have heard and even experienced it ourselves that religiousness is just another kind of burden.

从儒家董仲舒所讲的祭祀意义可以体会到其中的宗教性。We can realize its religiousness through significance of the sacrifice explained by Confucian Dong Zhongshu.

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我从来没有看到在病床上的属灵长者会把信心设立在不论是自己的祷告,还是忏悔或虔诚的信仰上。I never stood by the bedside of a godly man who reposed any confidence whatever in his own prayers, or repentance, or religiousness.

不过宗教A存在著祁克果名为“基督国”的庞大幻象,需要以“绝对困思”飞跃至宗教B。But there is an Enormous Illusion named "Christendom" in Religiousness A, it needs to leap to Religiousness B by "the Absolute Paradox".

第三,民族自治区的穆斯林中学生的宗教意识的发展趋势呈现年级和性别差异。The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.

咖啡放在小白瓷杯里,白瓷很厚,和中国人爱用的薄瓷相比另有一番稳重笃实的感觉。Coffee was put in a little white china cup, which is even thicker compared with the thin one popular in China and really gives you a feeling of steadiness and religiousness.

由于宗教A是一切宗教永存的基础、也是祁克果自觉的处境,所以它在“祁克果学”中佔的分量最多且影响最大。Due to Religiousness A is the perpetual basis of all religions and the situation of Kierkegaard's self-consciousness, it occupied most weight of "Kierkegaardianism" and worked upon best.

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但精神分析学却证明,无论古代还是今天,金钱及其制度均建基于非理性、宗教性和无用性。However, psychoanalysis has proved that either in ancient times or in modern times, money and its corresponding system are both stemmed from irrationality, religiousness and uselessness.

不满于近代西方哲学的这种世俗化倾向,俄罗斯哲学重拾哲学的宗教性这一古老的主题,这既表现在俄罗斯哲学的问题意识之中,也表现在其独特的方法上。Discontent with this secular tendency, Russian philosophy relives the theme of religiousness of philosophy, which is embodied not only by its problem awareness but also its unique method.

当别人的言论涉及到诸如公正,笃信,美德,智慧等字眼时,他会要求对方就这些字眼作出解释,并细细剖析这些解释来显示对方言论的错误或不符合逻辑。When words like justice, religiousness , virtue, wisdom, etc. were used by others, he would ask the speaker to explain them and then dissect the answers to show how they wrong or illogical.