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这会是很困难的,对镝来说尤其如此。That will be hard, particularly for dysprosium.

到那时,镝与钕的需求也会得到满足吗?Could demand for dysprosium and neodymium then be met?

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它将会增加大多数使用项目的补给量。Finding terbium and dysprosium is a big deal. It will increase supply for most applications.

在临近的山头,小规模的矿仍然大量挖掘着镝和铽这两种稀土资源。Small mines producing heavy rare earths like dysprosium and terbium still operate on nearby hills.

当前硝酸镝与丙氨酸配离子的标准生成焓未见文献报道。There is no research about standard molar formation of dysprosium nitrate with alanine complex ion.

研究了稀土金属钕和镝中杂质氧和氮的测定方法。The determination of impurity Oxygen and Nitrogen in the metals of Neodymium and Dysprosium is studied.

为了提高磁流体的抗氧化能力,制备了镝钴铁氧磁流体。In order to improve the resistivity of oxidation, dysprosium cobalt ferrite magnetic fluids were prepared.

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讨论了金属镝的研究、开发、工业化生产等方面的问题,并提出了相关建议。Some suggestions were given on further research and development as well as mass production of dysprosium metal.

采用标准加入法测定稀土样品中痕量的镝可获得满意结果。Standard addition method is used for the determination of dysprosium in synthetic rare earth sample with satisfactory results.

该合金中还需要添加少量的铽和镝,以保证钕在高温环境下保持磁性。Close cousins terbium and dysprosium are added in smaller amounts to the alloy to preserve neodymium's magnetic properties at high temperatures.

但风力涡轮发电机与电动汽车都要靠镝与钕来制造对电机和发动机极为关键的磁铁。Wind turbines and electric vehicles, however, both rely on dysprosium and neodymium to make the magnets that are essential to their generators and motors.

东京财团的研究员平沼光指出,如果要在中国之外生产镝等“重稀土”,则需要耗费相当的成本和时间。Tokyo consortium of researchers Hiranuma light that, if produced outside of China dysprosium and other "heavy rare earth", you need to spend considerable cost and time.

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美国能源部最近的一项研究提出警告,镝和钕等制造风力涡轮机和电动车的必需元素短期内会出现供应中断。A U.S. Department of Energy study recently warned of short-term supply disruptions for elements such as dysprosium and neodymium needed to make wind turbines and electric cars.

赣州是我国南方离子型稀土的主要储藏地和原料产地,当地稀土资源中蕴含了丰富的铽、镝等中重稀土元素,是生产高性能稀土磁材的重要原材料。The material here is rich in medium and heavy rare earth elements such as terbium, dysprosium etc, which are the important elements to produce high performance rare earth magnet.

镧、铈、镨、钕、钐、铕、钆、铽、镝、钬、铒、铥、镱、镥、钇、钪元素的氧化物、盐类和金属。The Oxides, Salts and Metal of the Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium , Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Yttrium, Scandium.