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伊丽?看看我们的脚印。Ellie. Look at our footprints.

林奕德回到家里,艾莉对他避而不见。LinYiDe back home, Ellie to avoid him disappear.

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埃利很兴奋,没小心滑了一跤,头撞到一块岩石上。Excited, Ellie slipped and hit her head on a rock.

那好。如果你拉不动的话,我们可以叫伊丽。Well. If you're too lame to do it, we can get Ellie.

你这样的态度,想给伊丽留下什么好印象?。Now how do you expect to impress Ellie with that attitude?

打开门,站在过道的是一个爱丽并不认识的女人。There, standing in the hall was a woman Ellie didn't recognize.

艾莉挖空心思的决议强夺品如的幸福生活。Ellie deliberate decision robbery is tasted like the happy life.

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爱丽一直都很心急,想在那晚早一点将烛台打包。Ellie had been so tempted to pack the menorah earlier that night.

赫斯特想如果让艾莉来为自己剪头发或许会有点帮助。Hurst thought it might help if she involved Ellie in the haircut.

这也不足为奇。那怕最小的事也可能触发艾莉的性兴奋。And no wonder. The slightest thing can make the earth move for Ellie.

艾莉气走了林母,转身回到办公室,又生一计。Ellie gas left, mother Lin, and turned back to the office had an idea.

艾莉怕世贤去见高珊珊,命令世贤不许去。Ellie afraid to see the Yin shan, the high command hen are not going to.

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去年十月,在癌症确诊两个星期后,赫斯特告诉了艾莉这个消息。Two weeks after her diagnosis last October, Hurst broke the news to Ellie.

但艾莉却不抱怨——事实上她能发现她这个怪病的有趣一面。But Ellie isn't moaning—in fact she can see the funny side of her complaint.

九妹才明白靠她自己是脱不了身了,托艾丽去找夜犬帮忙。Nine sister just understand is out it by herself, Ellie night dogs for help.

艾丽怕红中皇后会坏了她们的大计,便连夜来见夜犬。Ellie afraid, they have broken the red queen, then to see the night overnight.

而年幼的尚恩需要父爱,于是艾莉回国想给孩子一个完整的家。But young Sean need to return, and Ellie father give children a complete family.

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山姆和艾利踩出了有点像“生日快乐”的旋律,有爵士乐的自由风格。Sam and Ellie stamp out something approaching Happy Birthday, in a freestyle jazz kind of way.

灰蓝色的中岛台大约有10英尺长,给艾丽足够的烹饪和容纳空间。The blue-gray island is nearly 10 feet long, giving Ellie plenty of room to cook and entertain.

在他四处张望的时候,他听到了有人在叫他的名字,他马上回头,看到了埃莉正在朝他走过来。As he looked around, he heard his name called, turned quickly, and saw Ellie walking toward him.