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我们徒劳地等待着。We waited in vain.

他没有白白地死去。He didn"t die in vain."

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我们妄自暗暗叹息。We sigh for it in vain.

他的一切尝试全归无效。All his try are in vain.

他虚度了一生。He passed his life in vain.

我所有的努力都白费了。All my efforts were in vain.

我的气力没有白费。My efforts were not in vain.

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约翰.威尔克斯白活了么?Did John Wilkes live in vain?

我们没有白忙。Our efforts were not in vain.

他的一切尝试全归无效。All his attempts were in vain.

她的血没有白流。Her blood was not shed in vain.

人民的血泪不能白流的。People shall not suffer in vain.

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嘿!找来找去也是徒然。Alas! but the search was in vain.

啊,我知道一切规劝警诫都是徒劳的。Alas, I know all warning is vain.

“我总算这辈子没有白活”。阿们!I have not lived in vain. ' Amen!

他们的血没有白流。Their blood was not shed in vain.

这种企图其实是徒劳无益的。This attempt is actually in vain.

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被一颗孤独的心徒劳地敲击。A lonely heart that beats in vain.

我尝试了多次,都徒劳无功。I made many attempts, all in vain.

疯狗对着太阳叫。比喻坏人不自量地叫嚣。The dog barks in vain at the moon.