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那是一节作文课。It was a composition class.

他校改了我写得不好的作文。He fixed my bad composition.

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作文课怎么样?。How about Composition class?

如何写好英语作文呢?。How to Write a Composition ?

这篇作文读起来很顺口。This composition reads well.

组合是乘法.Composition is multiplication.

我们不妨以音乐创作为例。Consider a musical composition.

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这是一篇五百字的文章。This is a 500-word composition.

你体型的大小和构成。Your body size and composition.

我昨天写了遗篇作文。I wrote a composition yesterday.

是在结构性质上不同吗?,-对。in nature and composition? -Yes.

这篇作文废话连篇。This composition is all nonsense.

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也公开了睫毛油组合物。There is also a mascara composition.

你能替我写作文吗?Can you write the composition for me?

这是个很好的作文题目。This is a good topic for composition.

他昨晚写了一篇作文。He wrote his composition lso ast night.

所以我不需要修作文课。So I'm not required to take composition.

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这是一篇正式的颂扬性文章。This is a formal eulogistic composition.

体操运动员们在单杠上练习。This is only an exercise in composition.

我不知道怎样写一篇好作文。I don't know to write a good composition.