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桑德斯是红杉俱乐部财务委员会的举足轻重的主任委员。Saunders was the influential chairman of the Sequoia Clubs Fiance Committee.

马克-雅可布、约翰森-桑德斯和菲利林这些名牌的裙长都毅然决然地超过了膝盖。Hemlines at Marc Jacobs, Jonathan Saunders and Phillip Lim were all resolutely below the knee.

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Saunders表示,Visa将不会因为该法案而改变获利或营收预估.Saunders said Visa does not expect to change its earnings or revenue forecast due to the legislation.

吉他手加西亚和键盘手桑德斯两人在1970年开始就在一起合作。With Garcia on guitar and Saunders on keyboard, the two began picking together on a regular basis in 1970.

活塞教练,“我们这场比赛就只做好了一件事情,就是罚球做的很好。”"We did one good thing, " Detroit coach Flip Saunders said. "We defended very well at the free-throw line. "

桑德斯说潜艇通常不会开启它们的雷达系统,也不会让其他船只得知它们的存在。Saunders said submarines don't always turn on their radar systems, or make their presence obvious to other shipping.

但Saunders称,复苏之路似乎依然充满挑战.But the way to recovery still looks challenging, Chief Executive Joseph Saunders said at a Barclays Capital conference.

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桑德斯博士主张,她的小组方法会证明比竞争对手的非手术方法更节省时间、更经济有效。Dr Saunders argues that her team's approach could prove quicker and more cost-effective than rival non-surgical approaches.

当拉沙德刘易斯被送到华盛顿时,奇才主帅桑德斯称赞他是一名真正的职业球员,总经理葛伦菲德也把他誉为老将楷模。Upon Rashard Lewis’ arrival in Washington, Flip Saunders lauded him as a professional. Ernie Grunfeld called him a lead-by-example veteran.

桑德斯自此成为独自滑雪到北极最年轻的人。并且他比任何一个英国人走过的大西洋都要多。Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski solo to the North Pole, and he's skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton.

桑德斯说他希望看到迈阿密能够在防守上对于底特律的攻击做出调整,活塞移动中挡拆战术取得了成功。Saunders said he expected Miami to adapt, particularly with a defensive push to combat Detroit's success running its offense off of pick-and-rolls.

因此,8年前,当医生告诉乳癌患者博比·桑德斯,准备为她做比较简单的手术时,她如释重负。So Bobbie Saunders was relieved when her doctor offered to perform the less radical procedure when she was diagnosed with breast cancer eight years ago.

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“你是否帮助他人取决于你的人格类型,”临床心理学家安托瓦内特·桑德斯说,“你经常伸出援助之手吗?"Whether you come to someone's aid depends mostly on your personality type," says clinical psychologist Antoinette Saunders. "Are you giving in general?

桑德教授已荣获“全国乳癌基金会”颁发的“2006新概念奖”,能继续进行其诊断乳癌的“呼出气测试法”研究。Professor Saunders has been awarded the 2006 Novel Concept Award by the National Breast Cancer Foundation to continue research into her "breath test" for breast cancer.

作者通过佛教“中阴”的概念来呈现威利墓地上的悲伤幻象,同时也揭示了林肯作为父亲的悲伤和他决定“勇敢面对,解决问题”的关键决定之间的联系。Saunders renders their eloquent voices, and delicately reveals a connection between a father's grief and Lincoln's strategic decision to "be brave and resolve the thing."

本研究利用室内饲养成虫,对柑桔爆皮虫的蛹及正常取食和交配、正常取食但未交配以及正常交配但未取食三种处理的雌成虫的卵巢发育进行了系统观察。Ovarian development of Agrilus auriventris Saunders was studied by dissecting the pupae , mated or unmated female adults fed with food, and mated females without any food.

有了奇才队队友们的支持,新教练弗里普-桑德斯和他的球迷们都很需要阿里纳斯的回归,联盟正张开双臂等待著“零号特工”的回归。With support from fellow Wizards teammates, new coach Flip Saunders and all of his fans who need their boy out there, the NBA is waiting to welcome Agent 0 with open arms.

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根据我们所抓获运毒者及其他方面的情报,我们可以确定桑德斯是本次行动的唯一策划者。Between the information we've gotten from the captured couriers and our own intelligence we've been able to confirm that Saunders was the sole architect of today's actions.

“我告诉我的病人在某些方面我们紧紧相连,我们应该随时随地地互相帮助,”桑德斯说道,“我认为实际上大多数人都是性本善的。”"I tell my patients that we are all linked in some way and we should be here to help each other," says Saunders."I think that deep down the majority of us really are inherently good.

"这将导致整体产业重新思考...并导致信贷供应减少、供应对象缩小,"Saunders说."It's going to cause the whole industry to rethink itself," Visa's Chief Executive Joseph Saunders said in an interview. "It will result in less credit being offered to less people."