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我自信地说道。I said confidently.

他充满自信地大步走过大厅。He strode confidently across the hall.

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我们要信心十足的做是正确的事。We have to do what is right confidently.

他觉得现在安全了,便更大胆地说起来。He felt safe now and spoke more confidently.

从这里开始他真正将这个角色演活了。From here on he brings the character confidently alive.

我们来到凯伊太太家门前,我满怀信心地敲了敲门。We approached Mrs. Kay's door and I knocked confidently.

菲尔信心十足地走向前去,本却踌躇不定。Phil walked forward confidently but something held Ben back.

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反之,有力的并充满自信的握住他人的手。Instead, grip the other person’s hand firmly and confidently.

这似乎使他放心一点,于是他更有信心地继续说了下去。This seemed to reassure him and he continued more confidently.

那么,我有自信推荐你参加“洛城之旅”。Then, I can confidently recommend this "Los Angeles city Tour".

因为喜爱,我才会更自信、更坚定地走下去。I will go head confidently and unswervingly because of the love.

他满怀自信地将所剩下的钱,82美元全部押上。He confidently bets the remainder of his pot, eighty-two dollars.

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雪中送炭,日行一善,捐赠对象我识拣。Give Timely Help and Do a Good Deed Everyday. I Donate Confidently.

蓓基寄出请柬之后开始放心大胆地着于做准备了。Becky sent out the invitations and started preparations confidently.

作为丈夫在她独自走向女子发球区我感到非常自豪。I was a proud husband as she confidently walked alone to the women's tee.

这次他从座位上站起来,迈着大步很自信地跨上讲台。This time he got up from his chair and strode to the lectern confidently.

至于普尔曼,他自信明年能重返10大排行榜。As for Pullman, he confidently expects to be back in the top 10 next year.

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各家银行老板学到教训,再也不敢拍胸脯地断言未来的前景。Bank bosses have learnt not to pronounce too confidently about the future.

“他们必须学会更加自信地踢球,”他对记者们说。T hey have to learn to perform more self- confidently , " he told reporters."

自信地询问的人会比那些犹犹豫豫、没有把握的人得到更多。People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain.