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注意不要让他受寒。Don't let him get chilled.

他觉得寒冷彻骨。He was chilled to the bone.

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夜间的气候使我寒冷彻骨。The night air chilled my bones.

夜间的空气使他寒彻骨。The night air chilled his bones.

这是部会让你毛骨悚然的电影。His threat chilled her to the bone.

选择已冷的樱桃,使彻里高兴。Choice chilled cherries cheer Chery.

这场雨使我感到寒气刺骨。The rain has chilled me to the bone.

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最后再去除内脏并进行预冷处理。They are then eviscerated and chilled.

白葡萄酒应稍微冰一下。White wine should be slightly chilled.

冷冻可使果冻凝固。Chilled or otherwise congealed into jelly.

听到这个坏消息时,我的心都凉了。My heart chilled when I heard the bad news.

风刮得阴冷如冬——四周是一片凄凉。The cold wind from the north chilled the day.

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这种可怕的景象使她感到毛骨悚然。The dreadful sight chilled her to the marrow.

摇晃然后倒入一个冰鲜马提尼酒杯中。Shake and strain into a chilled martini glass.

我的贫瘠的思想已寒彻我的髓骨。My barren thoughts have chilled me to the bone.

鲜、冷、冻绵羊肉或山羊肉。Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen.

我站在冰冷的地上,脚底感到又湿又冷。My feet felt damp and chilled on the cold ground.

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抢劫案已经使麻将赌博网络胆战心惊。The robberies have chilled the mah-jongg network.

冰冻后作餐前开胃酒或餐后独饮。Best Serve chilled as an aperitif or dessert wine.

令他震撼的是这些人的平凡无奇。What chilled him was the ordinariness of these men.