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所向披靡,亦非一人之功He alone?

孤孤单单一个人。Alone a person.

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却是影单空忧伤。Alone is empty.

达亚并不孤单。Dexia is not alone.

我需要/想一个人呆。I need to be alone.

我能和你单处一会吗?Can i get you alone?

泽维尔并不孤单。Xavier is not alone.

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但他独自逃走了。But he escaped alone.

一花独放。A flower blooms alone.

和腊斯克并不孤单。And Rusk is not alone.

在这个过程中我并不孤单。I'm not alone in this.

孤立无助。It's like being alone.

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老虎是独来独往的。The tiger walks alone.

孤独地生老病死?。To live and die alone?

独自和千头万绪。Alone and in multitude.

只有枯萎和死亡。Blight and death alone.

受害的人不只是达克沃斯。Duckworth is not alone.

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我想一个人静一静。I need some time alone.

甭管我的事。Leave my affairs alone.

你自然也不会孤单。Nor would you be alone.