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包边缝用覆于其上的长针脚缝纫…To sew with long, overlying stitches.

胸腔的皮肤扩张远离胸骨。Draw the skin overlying your front ribs away from your sternum.

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对最高心跳强度点做触诊,在检查部位的皮肤涂上接触凝胶。Palpate the PMI, and applying contact gel to the overlying skin.

覆盖分泌腺的表皮表面光滑,无鳞片和毛状突起。The epicuticle overlying the gland is smooth and lack of scales.

为了防止散开而包着边儿缝的一种缝法。A long whip stitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling.

有少量分泌物覆盖的缺血性结肠炎的结肠镜检图。A colonoscopic view of ischemic colitis with minimal overlying exudate is shown.

干眼是由覆盖于眼表的泪膜紊乱所引起的。A dry eye is caused by a disturbance in the tear film overlying the ocular surface.

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被融化的岩石由于粘性较低,因此能轻易流到岩石层上方形成火山锥。The melted rock has a low viscosity, and it flows easily up through the overlying rock.

岩盐造成的蘑菇状或柱塞状的刺穿构造。一般有上覆盖岩。A mushroom-shaped or plug-shaped diapir made of salt, commonly having an overlying cap rock.

椎板切除术后复发症与瘢痕组织形成密切相关。The recurrent syndrome after laminectomy is related to the scar formation overlying epidural.

东濮凹陷在古近纪为断陷盆地,新近纪为坳陷沉积。Dong-pu Sag is a fault basin in palaeogene, with overlying depressed-type sediments in Neogene.

白垩纪至第三纪,随上覆地层增厚,断层封闭性增强。From the Cretaceous to Tertiary, fault sealing built up with thickening of the overlying strata.

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上方真皮层中含有毫毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺。Vellus hair follicles, sebaceous glands and eccrine glands in the overlying dermis were also noted.

结果,土卫六发生了收缩,冰冷的外壳发生凹陷、起皱,犹如一个巨大的西梅干。As a result, Titan contracted and the overlying icy crust sagged and wrinkled up like a giant prune.

在冬季晴朗的夜晚,地面和上方的空气迅速冷却,在高海拔地区更加明显。On clear winter nights, the ground and overlying air cool off rapidly, especially at high elevations.

造成热气烟流向外膨胀,速度可以超过脱离速度,并且将上方覆盖的气体向外驱赶。The ensuing hot gas plume can expand faster than the escape velocity and drive off the overlying air.

事实上,所补入的砂质物不足以在不整合面上形成连续的盖层。In fact, the av ail ables and is insufficient to form a continuous blanket overlying the unconformity.

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但在局部复杂的区域外围,目标层的上覆地层地质条件相对就较好。But except for the part complex area the overlying formation of the objective layer is relatively good.

岩石单位首先由于沉积被储与表面或侵入覆盖的岩层。Rock units are first emplaced either by deposition onto the surface or intrude into the overlying rock.

结合礁顶部覆盖有连片分布的巨厚的三叠系泥质岩作区域盖层,礁油气藏即可形成。A great thickness and stable distribution of Triassic shale was overlying the reef as a regional caprock.