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那么,谁想在出轨的高速火车里?Sooo, who wants to die in a high-speed train derailment?

今天的火车混乱不堪,因为前面有一列火车出轨了。The trains are all to pot today because of a derailment farther down the line.

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过去我们很长一段时间北京的建设是跟国际上脱轨的。In the past, we very long time Beijing is building with the international derailment.

日本兵库县尼崎市火车脱轨事故的死亡人数已经升至104人。The lives lost in Japan's train derailment accident have risen to 104 as of Thursday.

俄罗斯国有铁路公司说,这次事故可能是恐怖袭击。The state-run railway company said the derailment could have been the result of terrorism.

这是自2004年高铁开通以来首次发生KTX列车脱轨事故。This is the first time since 2004, high-speed railway KTX train derailment accident occurred.

中国国家媒体于上星期日报道,在华东地区的火车出轨的死亡人数已上升到19人。The death toll from a train derailment in eastern China has risen to 19, state media said Sunday.

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转轨站共有k个缓冲轨,缓冲轨位于入轨和出轨之间。Transition point total of k-rail buffer, the buffer between the rail in the orbit and the derailment.

我一直以为前一次出轨是两得分居耐不住寂寞,那么这一次又是为什么?I always thought that before a derailment is separated is unable to bear loneliness, then this one is why?

碰撞或经营超过125英里的铁路出轨的潜在的隐患更大。Thepotential consequences of a collision or derailment for railroads operating above 125 mph are even greater.

警方称有一个人收了轻伤,目前并没有线索显示事故与恐怖主义有关。Police say one person was hurt – a minor leg injury – and the derailment does not appear to be related to terrorism.

利用吊索具捆绑对脱线事故机车车辆进行快速吊复、顶复,迅速开通线路。The railway line is opened by stitch wire tools binding to accident of train derailment lifting and jacking recovery.

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本文主要研究车辆的脱轨条件及影响脱轨安全系数的因素。This article researches mainly derailment conditions of rail vehicle and enviroments effected safety factor of derailment.

结合发生过脱轨事故的桥梁,定性分析了桥梁横向刚度对列车脱轨的影响。Due to train derailments on bridges, influence on train derailment on bridge caused by bridge lateral rigidity is analyzed.

为了发展重载列车运输,必须研究车钩力对脱轨的影响。It is necessary to study the effect of coupler forces on derailment for the development of long train railway transportation.

此前,该公司一位不愿透露姓名的人士曾说,有百余人在火车脱轨事故中死伤。Previously, the company who declined to be named, who said, there are hundreds of people killed and injured in train derailment.

这两个机构的预算达不到奥巴马总统所要求的数目就等于默许对多的弗兰克法案的否定。Settling for less than President Obama’s requested amounts for the agencies would be acquiescing in the derailment of Dodd-Frank.

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本文提供了四轴货车曲线通过时的许用车钩力,在许用力范围内不致引起脱轨。In this paper, the critical coupler forces within which the derailment will not happen are provided for 4-axle freight cars on curves.

俄罗斯联邦安全局国内情报院院长说,周五晚些时候,由于一枚炸弹被引爆而致使一列特快列车出轨。The head of Russia's Domestic Intelligence Service the FSB says the derailment of an express train late on Friday was caused by a bomb.

随着我国铁路干线全面提速,列车的脱轨事故在每年重大事故中所占的比率居高不下。With the whole speed-up of trains in our trunk railway system, the rate of derailment accident has been increasingly rising every year.