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她是一名编辑。She's an editor.

我是一名编辑。And I'm an editor.

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贝岭是这本书的编辑。Bei Ling was the editor.

保存编辑器内容。Save the editor contents.

它的编辑是托马斯艾略特。The editor is T.S. Eliot.

它会显示在编辑器中。It displays in the editor.

这个编辑就是伊恩·希克森。The editor is Ian Hickson.

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在编辑器窗口中的折叠标签。Foldout in an Editor Window.

编辑删去了这篇报道。The editor spiked the story.

清除所有编辑器偏好设定键。Clears all editor prefs keys.

在编辑器窗口中的矩形字段。Rect field in an Editor Window.

清除所有编辑器偏好设定键。Clear all the editor prefs keys.

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成为自己无情的文字编辑。Be your own ruthless copy editor.

在测试编辑器中打开测试。Open the test in the test editor.

词汇表有编者提供。Glossary is provided by the editor.

用VB编写的一个游戏用的地图编辑器。VB prepared with a game map editor.

这将出现一个表达式编辑器。An expression editor should come up.

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编辑器之中的帮助性弹出文本Assistance pop-up text in the editor

最后,还应想到编辑是谁?Finally, find out who the editor is.

编辑把那篇小说改得面目全非。The editor hacked the story to bits.