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一个爱尔兰的爵士迷!An Irish hipster!

但是我喜欢爱尔兰咖啡。But I love Irish coffee.

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爱尔兰总统魏茨曼.C。C. Weizmann. Irish president.

欧布莱曼是这里唯一的爱尔兰人。O'Brien's the Irish guy over there.

爱尔兰歌迷会看到一场精彩的表演。The Irish can expect a fantastic show.

正如伟大的爱尔兰诗人耶茨说过的那样。As Yeats, a great Irish poet once put it.

寻找爱尔兰危机的救世良方?Greek rescue frays as Irish crisis drags on

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他发挥了爱尔兰神父奥马利。He played an Irish priest, Father O'Malley.

我马上要讲到的爱尔兰女妖,是个爱尔兰神话。A banshee, before I go on, is an Irish myth.

爱尔兰人非常喜欢音乐和诗。The Irish are very found of music and poems.

中国人比爱尔兰人更古道热肠?Are the Chinese more generous than the Irish?

这本爱尔兰童话集即将出版。The book Irish fairy tales is to appear soon.

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这本爱尔兰童话集即将出版。The book of Irish Fairy Tales is to appear soon.

只要你做了爱尔兰人,你是没法摆脱它的。There’s no getting away from it, if you’re Irish.

他拿了一个盖着爱尔兰邮戳的旧信封。He took a used envelope bearing an Irish postmark.

而爱尔兰的流浪者则在2000年才获得相应的地位。Irish Travellers were granted this status in 2000.

威廉王子是爱尔兰士兵中的陆军上校。Prince William is the colonel of the Irish Guards.

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“你是怎么知道他是爱尔兰人的呢?”——“明摆的事嘛。”How do you know he's Irish?" —"Sticks out a mile. "

我是日本和爱尔兰的混血儿。I'm a half, yeah. I'm half Japanese and half Irish.

同样地,这也是爱尔兰旅的转折点。It was also the turning point for the Irish Brigade.