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索菲亚,这是汉斯,他是德国人。Sophy , this is Hans, he is Germen.

我们是法国人,他们是德国人。We are Frenchmen, and they are Germen.

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本课程是为德语专业本科高年级而设置,主要由外教担任。This course is designed for senior Germen majors and it is taught by foreign teachers.

因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余五位均是亚裔学生。Therefore, in his lab except one of Germen origin, the rest five were all Asian origin.

国外相关理论有的已经相当完善,如美国、德国、日本等。However, the related theory in other countries such as America, Germen and Japan is mature.

德籍、韩籍人员的社会保险费按规定计算,原则上以人民币缴纳。The payments of social insurance of the Germen and the Koreans are to be paid by RMB in principle.

美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿今天将会见英德两国国务卿。US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to meet with her British and Germen counterparts today.

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德国风俗德国人,有一种名副其实的讲究效率的声誉。Germany's custom Germen , there is a kind of qualified reputation which pays attention to efficiency.

我住在香梅一期,张江德国中心上班,每天打车实在太困难。I live in Xiang Mei Garden and work in Zhang Jiang Germen Center. It's a headache to get a taxi every morning.

自德国学者提出积极侵害债权理论以来,加害给付理论的存在已有一个世纪的历史。Since Germen scholars put forward a theory of positive infringement, the theory of injury claim lies for a century.

间谍专家亨利斯安别其写到,二战中,在潜伏在英国的德国间谍其实也在为英国工作的。Spy expert Henry S. A. Becket writes that some germen spies worked in London during the war also worked for the British.

巴赫是德国巴洛克时期最伟大的作曲家,他一生创作了大量优秀的音乐作品,尤其对复调音乐做出了伟大贡献。Johan Sebastian Bach, the greatest Germen composer in Baroque period, wrote a vast amount of splendid monumental music works all his life.

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后来,他变得聪明起来,在率领赤身勇士捣毁德国种植园时,他把酒全部占为己有。Later, when he led his naked warriors down to the destruction of the Germen plantation, he was wiser, and he appropriated all the liquors.

作为规范责任论的核心概念,它以独特的价值理念和人文优势而声名鹊起,一度风靡德日。As a key conception of normative responsibility, this theory has been famous and popular in Germen and Japan in a century for its unique values.

从组织结构、运行机制、资金支持和人才培养四个方面对德国产学研联合的弗朗霍夫模式进行了分析。We analyzed the Germen Duff Mitchell in the sights of organization construction, gravitate mechanism, financing model and person cultivation in this paper.

美国、日本、德国、法国的成功做法为我国提供了可资借鉴的经验。Some experiences or good ideas have been provided by America, Germen , France, Japan and so on, about using the hi-technology to change traditional industries.

2003年在上海浦东康桥工业园区成立,2009年9月已搬迁至上海市化学工业区奉贤分区,公司生产的油漆产品适用于汽车及家电行业。Ltd. is a wholly owned Germen Paint producer, established in 2003 at Shanghai Pudong Kangqiao Industrial Zone, and moved to Fengxian Sub-zone, Shanghai Chemical Industry Park in Sep. 2009.

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在德语项目教学的研究中,德语应用文翻译教学应重视文体学理论培养及翻译训练有效结合的问题。In the research of German project-teaching, it is essential that the stylistics be effectively combined with translation training in the teaching of translation of Germen practical writing.

第三章则是对日本、美国、德国企业的教育培训投资特点和经验进行了逐一分析,以此作为我国企业实施教育培训投资的经验借鉴。Chapter 3 analyses characters and experiences of education and training investment in Japan, American and Germen one by one. The enterprises in our country could use those experiences for reference.