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住在寺院里,每日上殿、读书、劳动。In the temple, praying, reading and laboring fill each day.

劳动阶级自农村移往城市。The laboring classes migrated to town from rural districts.

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领导们常常深入到劳动群众当中去。The leaders often go into the midst of the laboring masses.

这一点无须胪陈,这就是所有要说的。The point needs no laboring. That is all that need be said.

随后的10年里她在农村的一个生产队劳动。She then spent 10 years laboring in a rural production team.

但是当你经历阵痛和分娩时,你应该期待什么呢?But what should you expect when you’re laboring and delivering?

劳动者需要面包和黄油,也要钱付房租。A laboring man needs bread and butter, and cash to pay the rent.

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反叛者给在实验室和舆洗室劳动的劳工贴上标签。The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory.

但内容信息的手工获取是一项繁重的工作。However, the manual marking-up of content information is a laboring work.

欧元涨得越高,滞重的欧洲经济承受的压力就越大。The higher the euro goes, the more stress on laboring European economies.

第五是个体性与集体性相结合的劳动特点。The fifth is the laboring characteristic of individuality and collectivity.

结论产前应用HBIG可降低HBV宫内感染率。Conclusion HBIG before laboring can decrease the HBV intrauterine infection rate.

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在风雨中的劳作是艰辛的也是欢愉的,蓄满微凉的忧郁。Laboring in the wind and rain is hard and joyous for people, full of cool melancholy.

这个节日是为了向美国劳动人民致意并给他们依法定的休息日而设定。The festival is set aside to be a legal day-off for regards to American laboring people.

相信他是上帝的儿子,由一个处女所生,他清白地生活,却承受着无与伦比的痛苦。Believe Him to be the Son of God, born of a Virgin, living sinlessly, laboring peerlessly.

在提格雷州首府梅科埃里附近满是岩石的土地上,农民们劳作之后稍作休息。Farmers linger on the rocky terrain near Mek'ele, Tigray's capital, after laboring on their land.

经过众多石工艰苦劳作,此碑大体凿就。The huge stone blocks were chiseled off the hill body by numerous stoneworkers laboring arduously.

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虽年事已高,他仍日理万机,操劳费神,时刻不忘哪怕再草根的生命。Although old, he still different business needs, laboring trying, not forgotten even moments of life.

当婴儿下降、娩出时,分娩的孕妇有一个优势—什么也不能进入体内。Laboring mothers have an advantage when the baby is descending and moving out—nothing is moving up and in.

众所周知,中国有些人在十年前还是农民或工人,但如今已拥有了奔驰车。Everyone knows someone who was farming a decade ago or laboring in a factory but is now a driving a Mercedes.