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拇指的残根。Thumb stump.

这圣洁的苗裔,就是这国的馀干。The holy seed is its stump.

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你的问题可把我给难住了。Your questions do stump me.

磕到了树桩上,胫部擦破了皮。I barked my shin on a tree stump.

铅笔头、雪茄烟蒂、牙的残根。The stump of a pencil, cigar, tooth.

他在自己家乡的州里到处发表政治演说。He was on the stump in his home state.

他们安排我下星期去纽约州作竞选演说。They let me stump in New York next week.

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他紧张地搔着腕部残肢。He scratched the stump of his wrist nervously.

他的牙齿紧咬着一个烟斗。The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth

这不仅仅是能难住你的脑筋急转弯。It's not just the brainteasers that will stump you.

一个老迈的大树墩正适合坐着休息。Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting.

艾尔发表了他最精彩的一次下午2点的政治演讲。Al gave his best 2 a.m. version of the stump speech.

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如果企鹅愿意付钱的话,他会到南极洲去作巡回政治演讲。He would stump across Antarctica if the penguins anted up.

那麽,树说,一个老树墩对这点还是挺管用的。Well, said the tree, an old stump is still as good for that.

法典在他手里只是一根断株残桩了。The code was no longer anything more than a stump in his hand.

走遍大地不稍停,留下白帽一顶顶。Goes all over the fields and leaves A white cap on every stump.

尼克坐在烤成焦炭的树墩上,点了一支雪茄烟。Nick sat down against the charred stump and smoked a cigarette.

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两周前,他把一根大树枝锯掉了,留下了很大的一个白色残段。Two weeks ago, he sawed off a limb, leaving a huge white stump.

实际上,女人的需要就是一道连斯芬克斯夜解不开的谜。Actually what women want is a riddle that would stump the Sphinx.

他四下看了看,看见啄木鸟正站在一个树桩上哭呢。He looked around and saw the bird standing on a stump and crying.