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放映员在聚精会神地移动摄影机。The projectionist was panning the camera attentively.

放映员在聚精会神地移动摄影机。The projectionist was panning the camera attentively.

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星期三、星期四和星期五晚上,泰勒是电影放映师。Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night, Tyler is a movie projectionist.

在文广集团工作40多年的陈文亭是电影放映员。Works more than 40 year Chen Wenting in the Wenguang group is the movie projectionist.

这种颠倒持续了几分钟,人们开始嚷嚷要放映员处理一下。After a few minutes of this, people started calling for the projectionist to sort it out.

当过农民、铁路工人、民办教师、电影放映员等。He used to be a farmer, railway worker, community school teacher, film projectionist and so on.

报告说,全球经济陷入困境并未的贸易保护主义政策。The report notes a general absence in projectionist policies despite the global economic recession.

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多多成了小镇唯一会放电影的人,他接替艾佛特成了小镇的电影放映师。Became the only town put a lot of movies, he became the town to succeed Everett movie projectionist.

电影放映员费斯特携带着一部手摇放映机给美国西部一个偏远小镇送去了电影。The movie projectionist Feist carry a hand to the USA projector in a remote town to send to the movie.

1973年参军入伍后当放映员,书法、绘画、摄影特长派上了用场。Yuan joined the Army as a projectionist in 1973. Painting, calligraphy, photography are his specialty.

院里住着钢厂放映员许大茂,为人自私自利,跟傻柱是对头。College, living with the big steel mills projectionist xu MAO, selfishness, with silly column is wrong.

空气调节、投射机及放映设备、经验放映师及带位服务。Normal air-conditioning supply, projection equipment, experienced projectionist and basic ushering service.

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当阿尔弗雷多在一次火灾事故中失明后,萨尔瓦多成了他的眼睛,并接手了电影放映员的工作。When Alfredo loses his sight in a fire , Salvatore becomes his eyes and eventual the projectionist as well.

但是,当一个放映员可以搞定所有的大屏幕的时代到来之后,这些事就真真切切地发生在电影院里了。But that's the sort of thing that happens in cinemas these days, when there's only one projectionist looking after umpteen screens.

有的买通了电影放映员,在放映室里支起三脚架、装上摄像机进行偷拍,这样的盗版质量要比早期用便携摄像机拍出的效果更好。The early, inferior copies often are soon replaced by better versions that pirates make by bribing a theater projectionist and mounting a camera on a tripod in a projection booth.

横穿长岛东部的大风那么强烈,它将整个电影院掀离了地面,并抛到两英里外的海里——当时,看日场电影的人群和放映员还在电影院里面。Winds across eastern Long Island were so strong that an entire movie theater was lifted off the ground and thrown two miles out to sea — with the matinee crowd and projectionist still inside.

此外,如果你想看电影或幻灯片,您可以叫放映员在视听的房间来为你播放录像,在那里你也可以听语言磁带和音乐磁带。Besides, if you want to watch films or slides, you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio visual room, where you can also listen to language tapes and music tapes.