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主要是因为他们正在不停的出冷汗。Mainly because of the sweat buildup.

检查耳道有无耳垢。D. Inspect canal for buildup of cerumen.

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减少了你动脉中血小板的形成。Less buildup of plaques in your arteries.

这样做会导致你花很花钱去补牙。The buildup could lead to costly dental repairs.

爵士演唱会被报刊和电视大造舆论。The gig was given a big buildup on both press and TV.

我怀疑日本将会建立大批军队。I doubt JPN would go through massive military buildup.

也有可能是炎症本身促使斑块形成。Or maybe inflammation itself increases plaque buildup.

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核力量的增长不象历史上任何军备竞赛。Nuclear buildup was unlike any other arms race in history.

唱片公司也推出新声音重唱老歌的唱片。Record companies really buildup old songs with a new voice.

赵来让大家各回各家准备今天的造势活动。Zhao to let everybody back to their homes today to buildup.

但是同时我觉得这只是制造舆论。but at the same time it was really just a buildup in my mind.

如果发生口模积料,尝试使用别的供应商的类似牌号。If die buildup occurs, try a similar grade from another supplier.

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当然,中国对自身的军事建设也有一套理论。China, of course, has its own rationales for its military buildup.

一些类型的口模积料会很快氧化并变成棕色或者黑色。Some types of die buildup oxidize quickly and turn brown or black.

当你感到牙齿或者舌头上有异物时,及时进行清理。Do some oral care any time you feel buildup on your teeth or tongue.

当这些板块中的两块挤压在一起,那就产生了能量。When two of these plates press together, there is a buildup of energy.

您还应该检查他的牙齿可以肯定的是没有酒石建设。You should also check his teeth to be sure there is no tartar buildup.

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该方案采用了无线公网组网的方式。A wireless public network is adopted as the solution to network buildup.

对于片材,可以用自动除榍装置除掉积料。For sheet, mechanical automatic scrapers are available to remove buildup.

在早期的煤矿中,工人一般将金丝雀放入井下来探测井内毒气,若金丝雀死亡,则说明井里有毒气。In the early coal mines, a dead canary meant the buildup of noxious gases.