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他把老人看作他的救命恩人。He thought of the old man as his lifesaver.

对一些经济体来说,中国是一个大救星。For some economies, China has been a lifesaver.

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戴维想当救生员,可他不会游泳!David wanted to be a lifesaver but he couldn't swim!

天气潮湿时干衣机可帮了大忙了。The clothes-dryer was a lifesaver during the wet weather.

有时,一个新的观点,或者刚刚参与此事的家长可能会解燃眉之急。Sometimes a fresh perspective, or parent, can be a lifesaver.

图层是一切较复杂设计工作的救星。Layers were and are a lifesaver for any marginally complex design.

只是简单的出现和在我身边陪着我,我的朋友却拯救了我。Just by showing up and hanging out, my friend was a total lifesaver.

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基于义务,她应该来探望一下自己的救命恩人吧!According to the obligation, she ought visit own lifesaver for a meantime!

“屠龙侠”对作为生命拯救者的感觉已经不陌生了。The feeling of being a lifesaver has become familiar to the Dargon Slayers.

对于正在经历人口迅速增长的国家来说,这可能是救命的方法。For countries experiencing rapid population growth, it could be a lifesaver.

它们慌乱不安地寻求阴凉之处。这种行为在墨西哥荒漠中是生命拯救行为。They fuss and fidget into the shade. This behavior is a lifesaver in the hot Mexican desert.

如果碰到塞车来不及赴约,发个短信可能会成为救命稻草。If you are in a traffic jam, and are late to an appointment, the ability to text can be a lifesaver.

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这个软件不仅仅是一个很好的密码破解工具,它还能还原那些不能再启动的计算机。The software is not only good for password hacking, but it is a lifesaver for restoring computers that can no longer boot.

随著皮肤癌的病例不断增加,皮肤检测的应用程式可能会是一个救命恩人—确实地。这项服务可以帮助用户分析和记录他们的痣。With cases of skin cancer rising, the SkinScan application might prove to be a lifesaver – literally. The service helps users to analyze and keep a record of their moles.

我是在怀孕前三个月快结束的时候找到这款茶的,同时它也成为我经历的继续不时孕期呕吐的救星,我每天早上喝1-2杯,下午喝1杯。I finally found this tea toward the end of my first trimester, and it was a lifesaver with the constant nausea I experienced. I drank 1-2 cups in the morning and one in the afternoon.

向婆婆解释你们和她生活在一起省了不少钱,你们也都很感激,但为了能让你们成为负责人的父母,你们必须全权负责孩子的抚养。Explain that living with her has been a financial lifesaver and you are enormously grateful. But in order for you to become responsible parents, you must be the ones in charge of your child's care.