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那条汽车道挤满了汽车,情况很糟糕。That motorway pile-up was a bad job.

咱们在第9出口下高速公路吧。Let’s turn off the motorway at exit 9.

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该路在纽敦与高速公路连接。The road joins the motorway at Newtown.

比如,当他出水痘时,他称水痘为“小鸡点”,他把高速公路上的锥形路标称作“道路拦截者”。Motorway cones he calls "road-stoppers".

我们反对建造那条汽车道。We opposed the building of the motorway.

自行车禁止通行于新建的快车道。Bicycles are banned from the new motorway.

在快车道上骑车不行。Cycling along the motorway is not allowed.

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沿着马路朝西驱车十英里。Drive east along the motorway for ten miles.

沿着马路朝西驱车十英里。Drive west along the motorway for ten miles.

他在高速公路上以每小时90英里的速度行驶。He was belted down the motorway at 90 m. p. h.

高速公路上发生了一起3车相撞的事故。There was a three-car collision on the motorway.

高速公路上发生了一起三车相撞的事故。There was a three-car collision on the motorway.

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电视画面显示,高速公路部分路段被冲毁。Footage showed one motorway partially washed out.

我穿过了高速公路,看着他开走了。I crossed the motorway and watched as he drove off.

那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway.

我们错过了通往曼彻斯特的高速公路路囗。We overshot the exit for Manchester on the motorway.

高速公?上往南行使的行车道被关闭了。The southbound carriageway of the motorway be closed.

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我们在第31号出口处离开了高速公路拐入支路。We turned off the motorway at exit 31 into a side road.

消极的音乐——任何时间在任何高速路上听瓦格纳。In a negative sense – Wagner at any time on any motorway.

在高速公路入口,他让两个免费搭车旅行者搭了他的车。He picked up two hitchhiker at the entrance to the motorway.