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我想得那个奖。I wanted that award.

我想看它们。I wanted to see them.

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西蒙斯一心求死。Simmons wanted to die.

我想买苞谷片。I wanted to get cereal.

但是彼得想要一支海军But Peter wanted a navy.

并且在此制度下的税收是很重的He wanted huge taxation.

我只想去倾听。I just wanted to listen.

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但是,他就是想肯定一下。But he wanted to be sure.

他想结婚。He wanted to get married.

我还以为你想要汤姆,不想和我在一块哩。I thought you wanted Tom.

我希望他能安静一些。I wanted him to be quiet.

我想成为优秀的人。I wanted to be excellent.

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我想回手打她。I wanted to hit her back.

我们希望在一起。We wanted to be together.

汉译英--这是我一直想要的。It's what I always wanted.

我们的房子需要修一修。Our house wanted doing up.

儅别人还需要你。When you are still wanted.

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可盲汉不要怜悯。Yet Blindy wanted no pity.

安得鲁想要追求她。Andrew wanted to chase her.

比尔想要把透纳给杀了。Bill wanted to kill Turner.