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但是首先美国必须批准该条约。But first it will have to ratify the treaty.

他们都批准和诬蔑某些行为。They both ratify and stigmatize certain behaviors.

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三方首脑会晤批准贸易条约。The heads of the three sides met to ratify the trade treaty.

两国政府首脑会晤批准和平条约。The heads of two governments met to ratify the peace treaty.

他提到了用430天的时间批准1991年战略武器控制的协议。He noted that it took 430 days to ratify the 1991 START agreement.

在2004年11月30日,秘鲁成为批准该条约的第40个国家。Peru became the 40th state to ratify the Treaty on 30 November 2004.

看到这里你肯定想知道现在的三大件是什么了吧?See my your ratify wanting to know current three major pcses were what?

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1789年的今天,新泽西州第一个承认美国宪法前十条修正案。In 1789, New Jersey became the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.

三月十一日,接受条约的法案在议会下院获得通过。On March 11, the bill to ratify the treaty cleared the House of Commons.

姑妈用愉快的口气说完了这几句话,然后吻了我一下,定住了他对我的祝福。My aunt said this in a sprightly way, and gave me a kiss to ratify the blessing.

斐济是世界上批准该公约的第三个国家,也是第一个发展中国家。Fiji was the third country in the world, and the first developing country to ratify.

这会助长利用联合国使通过突然袭击的办法夺占的领土得到认可的倾向。It would reinforce the tendency to use the UN to ratify the gains of surprise attack.

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可通过公司常务会议的决议,对董事已进行完毕的行为予以追认。A company general meeting resolution can ratify an act previously done by the directors.

更高的税赋对增长是有害的,而且纵容当前这种过度开支。Higher tax rates are destructive to growth and would ratify the recent spending excesses.

IEEE为RPR制定了一个规范草案,可望今年内获得批准成为标准。The IEEE created a draft specification for RPR and is expected to ratify the standard this year.

如果今年全部27个成员国都通过,自2009年1月1日起该条约将正式生效。If all 27 nations ratify the treaty this year, it will begin to come into effect on Jan. 1, 2009.

就如同就如同丹麦于1992年否决马斯垂克条约,但是于1993年第二次投票通过。In 1992 Denmark failed to ratify the Maastricht Treaty, but then did so in a second vote in 1993.

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美国宪法要求参议院必须批准对外条约,之后条约才能正式生效。The U.S. constitution mandates the Senate must ratify foreign treaties before they go into effect.

要出现实质性变化,列支敦士登必须签署和批准新的法律协助合约。Before effective change can occur, Liechtenstein must sign and ratify new legal-assistance treaties.

委托人可以对代理人超出委托权限所进行行为予以追认,也可不予追认。A principal can also choose to ratify the act of an agent that was beyond the agent's specified power.