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但是今天,我惴惴不安。But today I was restless.

不静下心来是没法放松的。A restless mind cannot relax.

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您真是一个少不更事的年轻人啊!You are a restless young man!

这个玩家正在变得不眠不休。The player is growing restless.

你感觉焦躁不安或急躁。You feel restless or irritable.

在无数不平静的梦中我茕茕独行。In restless dreams I walk alone.

在无数不平静的梦中我茕茕独行。In restless dreams I walked alone.

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在局促不安的梦中我独自行走。In restless dreams I walked along.

她坐立不安,甚至心乱如麻。She was restless and even agitated.

大约一年之后,我开始有些烦躁。After about a year, I became restless.

所有的发明家都有一个思想活跃的头脑。All the inventors have a restless mind.

蚂蚁在热锅上躁动不安。The ant becomes restless on the hot pot.

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每一颗不安的心,都跳的如此不完美。Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.

大多数人的思想都是焦躁不安的。The mind of most people is very restless.

你知道我的闲游浪荡的习惯。You know my vagabond and restless habits.

你知道我的这种流浪汉习惯,我是闲不住的。You know my vagabond and restless habits.

预约安宁,为燥热的心态降温。Let peace tranquilize your restless heart.

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一颗驿动的心,记载着你的点点滴滴。A restless heart, recorded your bit by bit.

抚慰你驿动不安的心灵。Comforts your post to move the restless mind.

你必流离飘荡在地上。You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.