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分享你的城市的宗教问题。Share your city's interreligious concerns.

管理人员认为,这是第一所这种类型的跨宗教大学。Administrators think this is the first "interreligious university" of its kind.

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而爱,正是各宗教得以彼此合作推动和平的动力。He also stressed that love is the motive force behind interreligious cooperation for the promotion of peace.

截至我为写一部有关宗教关系的书对戴维森进行采访时,他们之间的对话已经进入第15个年头。By the time I interviewed him, for research for a book on interreligious relations, the dialogue was in its 15th year.

容我在此添加一个特殊的希望的记号﹐就是教宗若望保禄二世所强调的﹕宗教交谈。I wish to mention here a particular sign of hope, which Pope John Paul II has underlined, namely interreligious dialogue.

大学是洛杉矶以东。它提供硕士学位课程,在不同宗教间的研究和穆斯林领导人。The university is east of Los Angeles. It offers master's degree programs in interreligious studies and Muslim leadership.

每五年,世界最大多宗教事件欢迎数以千计的人通过不同的眼光来看世界。Every five years, the world's greatest interreligious event welcomes thousands of people to see the world through different eyes.

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而宗教对话滞后的一大原因,是未能找到共同的宗教哲学基础。A major problem in interreligious dialogue comes from the failure in finding out the common ground in terms of religious philosophy.

我们对于在华盛顿特区的国家大教堂举行的跨宗教仪式的最大忧虑,是西方天真的程度。What primarily concerns us about the interreligious ceremony in the National Cathedral in Washington, D. C. is the level of naivety in the West.

让宗博持续成为各宗教沟通对话的开放平台,鼓励进行各种实质的和平交流与合作。To continue promoting interreligious dialogue and exchange, encouraging all kinds of practical cooperation and communication for the world peace.

该院将同时培养穆斯林、犹太教和基督教神职人员。学校管理层认为,这是这类学校中的第一所“跨宗教大学”。The school will train Muslim, Jewish and Christian clergy together. Administrators think this is the first "interreligious university" of its kind.

其次,不同宗教间合作的趋势与二十世纪最后几十年美国人口的变化有关。Secondly, the trend toward interreligious cooperation is linked to the demographic shift the United States has been undergoing since the last few decades of the 20th century.

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当时,我作为罗马天主教会任命的牧师,与一些从世界各地的牧师们来参观这座清真寺,这些牧师来到罗马参加关于宗教对话的暑期课程。I was an ordained minister of the Roman Catholic Church at the time and I was visiting with a group of priests from around the world, attending Rome for a summer course on interreligious dialogue.

因此,很高兴迎来,他在普林斯顿的,咨询中心工作,他是,Owen,Fletcher,who,is,普林斯顿佛教社团成员,也是宗教生活理事会一名委员,该理事会涵盖校内,各宗教。And so, I am delighted to welcome here who is in the counseling center at Princeton University, Owen Fletcher a member of the Princeton Buddhist Student Group and a cocommitter of the Religious Life Council which is the interreligious council at Princeton University.