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他有一个档案柜吗?。Does he have a filing cabinet?

记住,永远不要让你的文件堆积起来。Don’t let your filing pile up.

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我档案柜的钥匙掉了。I lost my key to the filing cabinet.

玛丽正在用一把锉刀修指甲。Mary is filing her nails with a file.

档案资料必须分类按顺序排列。First sort filing material into order.

他花了几个小时把那条铁棒锉成两截。He spent hours filing the iron rod in two.

这一项包括文件柜、台灯、书架等。This includes filing cabinets, lamps, and shelves.

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SECAUCUS办公室将发出“每日登记通知”。The Secaucus office will i ue Daily Filing Notices.

起诉书中把中国政府列为共同被告。The filing lists the Chinese state as co-defendant.

SECAUCUS办公室将发出每日登记通知。The Secaucus office will issue Daily Filing Notices.

档案橱柜不仅,使摆放更为整齐,还提高了效率。The filing cabinet was much more orderly and effective.

如何保养钢制办公密集架档案柜?How to maintain steel office dense frame filing cabinet?

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各种统计报表之编报、建档和保管。Preparation , filing and reserving of statistics report.

你能把这些文件放置在那边的文件柜中吗?Can you put those files in the filing cabinet over there?

他把记录小心地锁在文件柜里。He carefully locked away the records in a filing cabinet.

每天的首要工作是文件归档,以保证最新的文件入档。Keeping filing up to date by filing first thing each day.

镜头转向瑞德和布鲁克斯在做些整理文档的杂活。ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal Red and Brooks doing filing chores.

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办公室里没有地方可再摆一个档案柜。There is no room for another filing cabinet in the office.

他打开档案橱柜,在文件夹间翻来找去。He opened the filing cabinet and rifled through the folders.

你想疯丫头的申请前缩水过自由的优势。You want Minx to have shrunk before filing off the free edge.