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同时,拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚也不满这一举动,这两个国家在苏联时期接收了大量的苏联移民,因此不愿采取剧烈的变革。It also displeased Estonia and Latvia.

爱沙尼亚在1920-1921年是国际公认的国家。Estonia was then recognized internationally in 1920 and 1921.

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如果拉脱维亚紧随其后,爱沙尼亚将不可能脱离俄罗斯。If Latvia followed suit, Estonia would be impossibly isolated.

所有的目光都在爱沙尼亚身上,这周我们要取得三分。All the focus is on Estonia and getting three points this week.

大部分的受难者在睡眠中死去,埋葬在爱斯托尼亚号中。Most of the victims were entombed in the Estonia while they slept.

爱沙尼亚要求归还其独立权并退出苏维埃联盟。Estonia reclaimed its independence and seceded from the Soviet Union.

他们认为爱沙利亚2011年1月,就能告别克鲁恩而采用欧元。They said Estonia would shift from the kroon to the euro on Jan. 1, 2011.

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托雷斯上场57分钟,强大的西班牙3比0击败爱沙尼亚。Fernando Torres was given 57 minutes as high-flying Spain beat Estonia 3-0.

立陶宛,拉脱维亚,爱沙尼亚和芬兰的部分领土被苏联重新占领。Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and parts of Finland re-occupied by Soviet Union.

如今中国、爱沙尼亚和巴西拥有页岩油的工业生产。Today, China, Estonia and Brazil have their shale oil commercial production.

因此,我们非常高兴江主席来爱沙尼亚进行国事访问。So the Estonian side is very glad at President Jiang's state visit to Estonia.

欧元区的17国成员中,仅有爱沙尼亚第二季度的经济迅速增长。Within the 17-member eurozone, only Estonia grew more rapidly in the second quarter.

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而另外一个波罗的海国家爱沙尼亚以每10万人中6.6人遭谋杀位居第二。Another Baltic state Estonia recorded the second with 6.6 murders per 100, 000 residents.

正是这种新与旧,中世纪和现代的结合,这使爱沙尼亚以其独特的风味。It's this combination of old and new, Medieval and modern, that gives Estonia its unique flavour.

为了防止出现这种情况,克格勃把到访爱沙尼亚的芬兰决策者当成了目标。To discourage that, the K. G. B. targeted decision makers from Finland who made trips to Estonia.

作为分担国加拿大、丹麦和爱沙尼亚遭受了过多的军事人员伤亡。As a share of their population Canada, Denmark and Estonia have suffered more military fatalities.

他也将因为膝伤而错过英格兰即将到来的与巴西以及爱沙尼亚的比赛。He will also miss England's upcoming matches against Brazil and Estonia because of a knee problem.

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此外,爱沙尼亚是以将互联网络的访问权作为一项法定权利而知名的国家。Separately, Estonia is known as a country where access to internet has been legislated as a right.

在2007年针对爱沙尼亚发起的网络攻击中,其中一个方式即心理战。In the network attack that launched in the light of Estonia 2007, among them a means namely psywar.

在爱沙尼亚,已有三种页岩焦油用作蒽油或氯化蒽油的替换物。In Estonia three types of shale tar have been used as alternatives to anthracene oil or carbolineum.