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大块大块的陆地伸入海里。The land masses extrude into the sea.

在「挤出」对话方块中,按一下「切割」按钮。In the Extrude dialog box, click the Cut button.

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虽然我忙于工作,我还是挤出时间娱乐。Although I am occupied in a work, I still extrude time amusement.

给新创建的曲线添加挤压修改器以创建墙壁。Apply Extrude modifier to the newly created spline to model the wall.

在面和边的模式下它可以用来提取和定位新的多边形。In Face and Edge modes it is used to extrude and position new polygons.

首先,我们需要创建的这部分断面,以便我们能够挤出它。First, we need to create cross section of that part so we can extrude it.

以反差强烈的色彩渲染画面,突出主题。I use the strong contrast of the color to romance the picture and extrude the subject.

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伊雪努力的牵动嘴角,还想挤出一丝微笑。Yi sleet affects a corner of jaws hard ugg claccic also wants apt extrude an silk smile.

拉伸、旋转操作时,应该确保操作对象在屏幕上可见。In operating as " extrude" and "rotate", objects in using should be appearance in screen.

为了将橡胶套管法兰挤出来,需要按照星形模式重新紧固所有法兰螺栓。Retighten all flange bolts in a star pattern in order to extrude rubber sleeve flange material.

穿地龙机器人是一种可在土中挤压穿孔前进的装置。Dragon of puncturing mud robot is a kind of device that can go ahead and extrude hole in the mud.

数字是用文字样条线配合挤压修改器做出来的,然后在钟表表面进行阵列。The numbers are a text spline with an extrude modifier, and then an array over the clock's surface.

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首先,石英砂和合成树脂在螺旋给料器中混合,再由螺旋给料器挤出落进兜砂布中。In the program, sand and synthetic resin are mixed in the spiral feeder and extrude out to the cloth.

适用于各类双层、双色的尼龙护套和低烟无卤电线挤出生产。Suitable foe all kinds of nylon and low smoke halogen-free wire of twin-layer, double color to extrude.

紫草唱作俱佳,挤出一张饱受迫害的苦瓜脸。The purple grass sings to make to accompany nice, extrude a painful gourd face that suffers a harassment.

前道工序制好的湿材物料进行挤条─离心抛圆,完成制丸。To extrude and spheroidize the fore head process's wet material on the centrifugal dish and the pellets can be got.

此类矛盾发生频繁,危害极大,已成为当前我国社会的一个突出问题。Such conflicts frequently occurring with extreme danger has now become one of our country's extrude social problems.

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挤出机料筒及机头各段温度的精确控制对提高挤出机产量的稳定性及保证产品性能有积极的意义。The stability and accuracy of temperature control is extremely important in order to satisfactorily extrude plastics products.

也可直接挤出仿真木发泡异型材,效果比单螺杆更佳。It may also directly extrude wood like balpo different shaped material, the effect is better than that of single screw extruder.

当传统的毛刺和材料整理方法不能产生必要的成果,产业化的挤压珩磨。When conventional deburring and material finishing methods fail to produce the required results, industry turns to Extrude Hone.