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签定特许经营合同书。Sign the franchise contract.

他购买了一家特许谋划店。He has bought a hot dog franchise.

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他在购物商场经营一家小加盟店。He runs a small franchise at the mall.

如何获得卡乐咪特许加盟信息?Where get Color-Me franchise opportunity?

你为什么选择这个特许经营项目?。Why did you choose this particular franchise?

根据国际特许经营协会。According to the International Franchise Assn.

新的特许经营权是一种外部的支出费用。The new franchise was an external expenditure.

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现在他在特许零售方面进行投资。Today he invests in retail franchise concepts.

未来几周还有几部大片即将上映。Franchise releases will pick up in coming weeks.

就我知道的凤仪轩美容美体连锁加盟还不错。Fung Hin as I know, Beauty and Body Franchise bad.

英国妇女于一九一八年获得了选举权。In Britain, women were given the franchise in 1918.

要找到值得信赖的特许经营权,关键是经验。To find a franchise that's credible, experience is key.

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美国于1920年给妇女以参政权。The United States granted the franchise to women in 1920.

所以“特许经营”这个概念,在中国其实已经广泛的传播开来了。So franchise as a concept, have been well-spread in china.

网队历史上曾是一支纽约球队,从1968年开始曾以纽约网队的队名征战ABA联赛。The Nets franchise has been based in New York in the past.

费谢尔现在在为Tron特许的迪斯尼工作。Fischer is currently working for Disney on the Tron franchise.

弗朗西斯是篮球场上的骄子。Stevie Franchise was a thing of beauty on the basketball court.

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这就是MFV展览提供给你的特许经营公司。That's what MFV Expositions provides to your franchise company.

2008年最后四个月的时光极为艰困,充斥着恐惧及金融业崩溃疑虑,让人无法真切的思考'是否、能否、可否'这样做的问题.重点在于高盛的品牌非常强势.Could we have?' The point is Goldman is a very strong franchise.

缴纳合同保证金、加盟金及首期货款。Pay the deposit contract, the franchise fee and initial payment.