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在讨论这个问题之前,我们先说一说抗抵赖。Before we cover that, let's talk about nonrepudiation.

数字签名也可用于认可。Digital signatures also play a role in nonrepudiation.

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另外,也可以根据需要,实现传输数据的完整性和发送方身份的不可否认性保护。In addition, it can realize the integrity of data transfer and nonrepudiation of sender.

凭证没有金钥使用方式,也没有支援数位签章或不可否认性的金钥使用方式。The certificate has no key usage or a key usage that supports digital signatures or nonrepudiation.

由于认可是身份验证的直接结果,因此邮件加密也不提供认可。Because nonrepudiation is a direct result of authentication, message encryption also does not provide nonrepudiation.

经分析得知方案具有秘密性、不可伪造性和不可否认性等安全特点。By analyzing the scheme, conclude that the scheme has many security properties, such as secrecy, unforgeability, nonrepudiation etc.

指出他们的方案不满足强不可伪造性、强不可否认性和强识别性。In this paper, the authors demonstrate Chan-Wei scheme does not satisfy strong unforgeablity, strong nonrepudiation and strong identifiability.

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就保密性、完整性和不可否认性来说,一些服务消费者比相同服务的其他消费者有更高的要求。Some consumers of a service have greater needs than other consumers of the same service for data confidentiality, integrity, and nonrepudiation.

分析结果表明,该协议能提供支付的完全公平性和非单元支付功能,并且具有安全、高效和不可否认的特点。Full fair payment and non-unit payment can be provided by FMMP. In addition, FMMP has characteristics of security, efficiency and nonrepudiation.

它基于条件证据和反拒认服务器思想,既高效又实用。By using two simple ideas, a conditional signature and a nonrepudiation server, our protocol can achieve non-repudiation service in an efficient and practical manner.

数字签名已经在信息安全、身份认证、数据完整性、不可否认性以及匿名性等方面发挥了重要作用。Digital signature has been playing a very important role in the fields of information security, identity authentication, data integrity, nonrepudiation and anonymity, etc.

如今在计算机网络环境下信息的机密性、安全性、完整性、可用性等特性,都需要采用密码技术来解决。Nowadays, in the computer network environment, all the confidentiality, security, integrality, usability and nonrepudiation of the information must be resolved by encrypting technology.