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国有化银行?Nationalize banks?

它会告诉你当你国有化银行和信用以后的恶果。It shows what happens when you nationalize banks and credit.

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他们可以关闭市场,把公司国有化以及制定新规则。They can close markets down, nationalize firms and write new rules.

我们想入股银行,但是并不想将银行国有化。We want to put equity in, but we don’t want to nationalize the banks.

如果把花旗国有化,就必须把另外10家银行也国有化.不能在国有化一家银行之后就停手.If you nationalize Citigroup, you'll have to nationalize 10 other banks.

委内瑞拉总统雨果·查维兹开始着手把石油企业国有化。President Hugo Chavez has moved to nationalize oil operations in Venezuela.

政府官员担心,对花旗进行国有化的迹象会进一步动摇市场。The officials worried that appearing to nationalize the company would further roil markets.

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英国政府采取行动,把英国所有的主要银行部分国有化。The British government has moved in to partially nationalize all of the major banks in Britain.

在是否需要对美国银行国有化问题上,他很低调,但也没有否认这种可能性。He played down any need to nationalize American banks, without specifically ruling out the option.

“这样一来就会陷入这样的处境,要想抹掉银行的资本损失,你必须国有化这些银行”。You get into this situation when losses wipe out their capital and you need to nationalize your banks.

他拒绝采纳社会主义者的惯例,没有表现出丝毫对投资银行和医保部门进行国有化的意图。Rejecting the socialist formula, Obama has shown no intention to nationalize the investment banks or the health sector.

欧盟成员国不想给本国银行注资,而市场现状也不容许为银行提供巨额资本,因此银行业只能依赖于去杠杆化。Member states don't want to nationalize their banks, but the marketplace is not ready to provide huge capital infusions.

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倘若政府只打算国有化一家大型银行,那麽投资者就会对其他同类银行丧失信心.And if the government were to nationalize one large lender, shareholders would likely lose confidence in other marginal banks.

其一是有效地对大银行实行国有化,此种做法代价巨大并且会破会我国自由市场的体制。One is to, in effect, nationalize the major banks, which would be hugely expensive and would undermine our free-market system.

星期三早些时候,德国政府通过一项允许政府把处于倒闭边缘的私有银行国有化的计划。Earlier Wednesday, Germany's government agreed on a new provision that will allow it to nationalize private banks that are at risk of failing.

白宫推动金融系统改革的同时,有人担心,奥巴马政府可能会再进一步,把有问题的银行国有化。The White House push for financial services reform comes amidst worries that the administration might go further and nationalize troubled banks.

刚刚对莫斯科强行将该国石油工业收归国有的做法大加抨击,西欧国家便迫不及待将他们最大的银行国有化。After blasting Moscow for forcing its petroleum industry into state hands, Western European states are rushing to nationalize their biggest banks.

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在法国和以色列的帮助下,英国占领了苏伊士运河,以回应埃及总统纳赛尔想将之归为己有的决定。Britain, with help from France and Israel, had seized control of the Suez Canal in response to Egyptian President Nasser’s decision to nationalize it.

在身为麦哲伦球迷的查韦斯总统插足反对之前一个地区官员曾威胁将麦哲伦航海家队将其收归国有。A regional governor threatened to nationalize a leading team, the Navegantes del Magallanes, before Mr. Chávez, a Magallanes fan, stepped in to reject the idea.

由于投资者胆战心惊地等待看美国政府是否会将花旗和美银国有化,银行股跌至1990年代初以来最低水准.Bank shares have sunk to their lowest since the early 1990s as investors nervously wait to see if the government will nationalize Citigroup and Bank of America.