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人们只要在锤子看到梅尔多几个字,就会毫不犹豫地买下它。As long as people saw "Malodor" on a hammer, they will all purchase the hammer.

舌刮器能降低挥发性硫化物的浓度,从而治疗口腔性口臭。Tongue scraping can lower VSC concentration, subsequently reducing oral malodor.

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经典K-F试剂缺点是毒性大,且具有吡啶的恶臭。The typical K-F reagent has disadvantage of high poisonousness and pyridine malodor.

针对现有国标方法中的恶臭采样技术进行了更为全面的叙述。Relatively high criteria for quality assurance of malodor sampling were also required.

此外,还介绍了目前国内外常用的恶臭评价标准。The criteria for malodor evaluation usually used in China and abroad are also presented.

但是,降低的时间短,不能完全解决散发出的异味。However, that reduction is only short-term, and not an absolute solution for eliminating malodor.

后来,一个五金店的老板听说了此事,订制了两打锤子。Latterly, a boss of a hardware store heard of Malodor could make good hammers, and he ordered two.

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针对现有国标方法中的恶臭采样技术进行了更为全面的叙述。Sampling technology of malodor was completely described based on the existing national standard method.

对于畜禽养殖场来讲,夏季的恶臭污染程度要高于其它时节。For livestock and poultry house, the degree of malodor contamination in summer is higher than that in other seasons.

提示我们治疗口腔疾病应该考虑口腔微生态平衡。Regulating oral flora to get oral microecological balance should be considered in treatment of oral malodor or halitosis.

在漫长的工作过程中,梅尔多总是在想法设法改进锤子的每一个细节,绝不敢疏忽大意。During long working process, Malodor was always thinking of improving hammers' every detail, never be perfunctory about working.

本文针对夏季恶臭发生的特点,提出了相应的控制措施。This paper analysed the traits of emergence of malodor contamination in summer and put forward corresponding manipulative measures.

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活菌制剂作为饲料添加剂可降低畜禽粪臭、防止幼畜下痢和提高畜禽生产力。Living bacteria products used as feed additives can reduce malodor of feces, prevent diarrhoea and increase domesitic animals' performance.

对地铁一号线人民广场站和漕宝路站的恶臭污染情况进行了调查,采用嗅觉测试和公众调查方法对恶臭进行测试和分析。Investigation on malodor at subway stations of People Square and Cao Bao Road, adopting olfactory test and public survey has been conducted.

本文分析了中国环境恶臭污染的现状及其防治与控制特点。In this paper the situation of malodor pollution in china as well as its elimination and control are analysed in technicality, safety and utility.

畜牧业生产产生的恶臭严重污染着周围环境,制约着畜牧业的发展,威胁着人们的生活和健康,成为一个急待解决的问题。Malodor in animal production pollutes the environment severely, limits animal development and does harm to people' s health. These problems should be urgently solved.

随着畜牧业生产规模的扩大和集约化程度的提高,畜禽养殖场产生的恶臭所造成的危害已经引起人们的普遍关注。With the development of production scale and intension of animal husbandry industry, more and more people are concerning the damage of malodor contamination from livestock and poultry farms.

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恶臭是一种感觉公害,其产生的嗅觉危害影响着人们的身体健康和生话的安宁舒适,恶臭问题越来越受到人们的关注。With the development of production scale and intension of animal husbandry industry, more and more people are concerning the damage of malodor contamination from livestock and poultry farms.

伴随着城市化和工业化的不断发展,恶臭污染已成为环境的重要污染问题,是公认的七种社会公害之一。With the continual development of urbanization and industrialization, the effect of malodor pollution is more and more serious, and is regarded as one of the seven social effects of pollution.

不久,一位纽约商人经过,偶然看见了梅尔多为五金店老板打制的锤子,强行把它们全部买走,还另外留下了一个长期订单。After a while, a businessman from New York passed by, accidentally encountered when Malodor was making these 2 hammers, constraint him to sell all of those hammers, plus left a long-term order.