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我们走着瞧吧。We shall see.

主裁判应。An umpire shall.

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所以我们要等着瞧。So we shall see.

我不在这儿多待。I shall not stay.

他岂能亨通呢。Shall he prosper?

我应到哪里去问?Where shall I ask?

我会这么做的!And I shall do zat!

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我们应该删除它吗?Shall we delete it?

我们去约会怎样?Shall we go dating?

如果我们相见?When we shall meet?

我应在何处等候?Where shall I wait?

艾尔不能陷落!Aiur shall not fall!

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擦抹我的翅膀。Shall brush my wing.

我们烤什么吃?What shall we broil?

我该保释她出狱吗?Shall I bail her out?

要叫人给你加酒吗?。Shall I call the boy?

我们叫辆出租汽车好吗?Shall we call a taxi?

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我们唱一支歌,好吗?Shall we sing a song?

那么我应该怎么办呢?Then what shall I do?

珂赛特,您去不去呢?Cosette, shall you go?