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忌饮汽水。Avoid soda.

是一种碳酸水。It's a kind of soda.

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为什么我的苏打水打不开?!Why won't my soda open? !

我可以在捷运上喝饮料吗?Can I drink my soda on MRT?

我们需要纯碱,轻的。And we need Soda Ash. Light.

请给我波本酒加苏打水。Bourbon with soda water,please.

那里面的威士忌比苏打水多。Some soda water and mineral water.

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我喜欢诸如茶和汽水之类的饮料。I like drinks such as tea and soda.

这个机器以前是出售苏打水的。The machine used to sell soda water.

用苏打水漱漱你的口。Rinse your mouth with water and soda.

有人给顾客倒了一杯苏打水。Someone pours a soda for the customer.

他往饮料里喷了一点儿苏打水。He spritzed a little soda in his drink.

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丽滋为了答谢她,给菲比买了一听汽水。Lizzy treats her a soda as a thank you.

穴居人喝苏达和冰冻果汁吗?Did cavemen drink soda and frozen juices?

他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水。He sucked ice-cream soda through a straw.

这蛋糕混合料中含有少量苏打。The cake mixture contains traces of soda.

他们用麦秆状吸管喝汽水。They suck soda water through straws tube.

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可用小苏打清洗你的垃圾罐。Wash your garbage cans with baking soda.

金酒,柠檬汁,石榴汁和苏打水。Gin, lemon juice, grenadine and soda water.

用小苏打水来漱口可以预防溃疡。Gargle baking soda water to help with ulcers.