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或打仗时,救3000个呢?Or in wartime? 3000?

战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除。The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted.

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政府只会在战争期间征募船只。The government will commandeer ships only in wartime.

在战争时期政府对民众实行食品定量供应。The government rationed food to the public in wartime.

将能源研究与开发的公共投资提到战备高度Put public investment in energy R&D on a wartime footing

欢迎来到阿富汗的战时承包集市。Welcome to the wartime contracting bazaar in Afghanistan.

她妈妈曾说,这路让她想起了战时的定额配给。His mother had said it reminded her of wartime rationing."Which

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由于战时材质的紧缺,纸质娃娃也随之流行起来。Paper dolls became popular due to wartime shortages of materials.

战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺。Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.

鱼刺来于之道办公室要了本书,战时警察手册。Shark fin in the way to the office to book, police manual in wartime.

五角大楼的设计为战争年代节约了建造一座战舰的钢材。The design saved enough steel to build one battleship during wartime.

克伦承认战时的心理以其他奇特方式残留下来。Cran admits that the wartime mentality lingered in other strange ways.

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否。至今仍然拒绝赔偿其在战争期间所压迫的受害者。NO. Continues refusing to pay any compensations to its wartime victims.

伦敦大轰炸是英国从战时传承的第四个主要元素。The Blitz, fourth, is an essential element of Britain's wartime legacy.

他们做这些事是为政府融资,特别是在战争时期。At times they have done so to finance government, especially in wartime.

随着战争期间比赛脚步放缓,做出退出的决定就很容易了。With the wartime slowdown in tournaments, the decision to quit was easy.

战时与和平时期的生活有着根本上的不相容性。There's a radical incompatibility between wartime and peacetime existence.

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不过,这座白马旅馆不在奥地利,也不在德国,而是在战时的上海。But the White Horse wasn't in Austria or Germany, it was in wartime Shanghai.

阿尔弗雷德的姐姐尼尔死于1964,死时仍为弟弟的死而伤心。His sister Nell died, still heartbroken by his brutal wartime death, in 1964.

蕨菜和德马雷斯特从来没有比这更好的大胆战时的闹剧。Bracken and Demarest have never been better than in this daring wartime farce.