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谣言是一匹不可靠的驽马。Rumour is a lying jade.

他对那谣言付之一笑。He laughed at the rumour.

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传闻失实。The rumour was unfounded.

这个谣言正在传播中。The rumour is floating about.

这个谣言传到最终是假的The rumour proved to be false.

他到处散播谣言。He buzzed the rumour everywhere.

这个谣言追究到汤姆身上。The rumour was traced back to Tom.

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增大的恐慌到处传播谣言。Growing panic blew the rumour about.

那谣言经追查是他造的。The rumour has been traced back to him.

那谣言在公司里慢慢流传开来。The rumour percolated through the firm.

这谣言引起了一阵猜测。The rumour raised a storm of conjecture.

在事实面前谣言只得销声匿迹。The rumour had to disappear before facts.

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你能追查出这个谣言的来源吗?Can you run the rumour back to its source?

他们试图追查谣言的根源。They tried to trace the rumour to its source.

有关她的卑鄙谣言在城里到处流传着。A nasty rumour about her is floating around town.

据说我们不久就要来一位新经理。Rumour has it that we'll have a new manager soon.

“英雄难过美人关”,这一句话似乎也是千古不变哦!Anyone who can change Rumour to truth is the HERO!

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但是你的理由总是搀杂着谎言。But your reason always is adulterating the rumour.

有关经理的谣言在公司里传播开来。A rumour about the manager was swirled in the firm.

传言他和斯泰西曾一度交往过。The rumour is that he and Stacie were once involved.