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对资源的过度开发加快了世界上能源消耗的速度。Overexploitation accelerates the rate of depleting energy resources in the world.

对资源的过度开发加快了世界上能源的消耗速度。Overexploitation accelerates the rate of depleting energy resources in the world.

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绿海龟受到的威胁时海龟蛋和成年海龟的过度猎杀。The green sea turtle is threatened worldwide by overexploitation of eggs and adults.

北方干旱、半干旱地区地下水超采严重,水资源供需矛盾突出。Groundwater overexploitation is very serious in arid or semiarid areas of North China.

区域上的地下水超采引起全县范围内水位下降。The regional groundwater overexploitation leads the water lowering throughout the county.

最后,种植基因改良树木可以减少对野生树木的过度开发。Finally, the use of genetically modified trees can prevent overexploitation of wild trees.

当地气候变化特点以及过度开采也造成了地下水的持续下降。The climate change and overexploitation of the ground water caused the continuous drawdown of the ground water.

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北京市地面沉降的范围、沉降幅度、沉降速率和地下水的超采有着明显的相关。The scope, range and rate of land subsidence have got the direct relation with overexploitation of groundwater.

这些城市的地下水将得到补充,在过度开采了5年之后,地下水水位已经下降了。The water table in the cities will be recharged which, with overexploitation for half a decade, have diminished.

为追求农业利益而过渡开发土地将对区域生物多样性造成长期不利影响。The overexploitation of land for agricultural gain can have long-term negative effects on the biodiversity of a region.

迁安市属于资源性缺水地区,地表水潜力有限,地下水处于超采状态。Qian'an is a city with water shortage, limited potential for surface water development, and groundwater in overexploitation.

新郑市水资源紧缺、超采、污染现象十分严重。There were many serious water resources problems in Xinzheng City such as water shortage, overexploitation and water pollution.

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奥林匹克运动困境的根源是人主体限度的超越、技术应用限度的超越以及体育理性的过度扩张。The reason of Olympic Movement dilemmas is overreaching limit of human subject action, technical application and overexploitation.

由于不合理的使用水资源和过量开采地下水,在我国很多地区已产生严重的地下水环境问题。Due to the unreasonable use of water resources and overexploitation of groundwater, in many areas of china has produced serious environmental problems.

在Puntland地区,人们遭受了牲畜出口禁令、四年干旱、以及过度使用自然资源的综合性影响。It's an area where people are suffering from the combined effects of the livestock ban, four years of drought, and overexploitation of natural resources.

然而随着资源的过度开采、日渐衰竭,资源衰竭型矿业城市的转型与发展问题日益受到重视。However, with the overexploitation and exhaustion of resources, the transformation and development of the resource-exhausted mining cities are more concerned.

栖息地环境恶化、水坝、水位下降、污染和过度捕捞等等多种组合威胁,已经导致了许多种鲶鱼的数量下降。Multiple and combined threats from habitat degradation, dams, water withdrawals, pollution, and overexploitation have led to the decline of many catfish populations.

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通过分析济宁市地面沉降的特点和区域地质背景,认为济宁地面沉降主要是由于集中超采地下水引起局部地段的沉降。Based on the analysis of the features and the regional geological setting of land subsidence in Jining City, land subsidence is mainly caused by overexploitation of groundwater.

资源和农业的过度开发、城市扩张、虾场扩张和污染等问题令这个原本就很脆弱的生态雪上加霜。This fragile environment is continually regressing because of the overexploitation of resources, agricultural and urban expansion, the development of shrimp farms and pollution.

独特的生物学特性、生态环境被破坏、过度采挖、科研滞后等因素是导致石斛资源危机的根源。Some factors such as unique biological property, the damage of ecologic environment, overexploitation and late investigation on it were the resource of dendrobium's resource crisis.