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一个表达卡拉格浓厚的利物浦口音的笑话。A joke aimed at the defender's deep Scouse accent.

特别是利物浦,他们的口音被称作利物浦口音。Liverpool particularly, it's called the Scouse accent.

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你来到这里,有学到什么利物浦话吗?What scouse phrases have you picked up since you joined the club?

这场比赛是琼斯对安菲尔德最后印象,他的母亲还是利物浦土著。The game left a lasting impression on Jones, whose mother is Scouse.

“我热爱利物浦,”阿韦洛亚说,“理解利物浦方言很困难,比如卡拉和斯蒂文,哇哦。”"I loved Liverpool, " says Arbeloa. "Understanding Scouse was hard. Carra and Stevie, wow.

现在我听到有一些嘈杂声,是弗格森被他的苏格兰羊杂碎噎住了吗,还是贝尼特斯被他的炖杂烩噎住了呢?Now what's that noise I can hear, Ferguson choking on his haggis or Benitez -choking on his Scouse?

当然!我在这里吃过好几次炖杂烩,我也喜欢披头士乐队,所以说我不能偏离的太远。Yeah. I'll be there eating a bit of Scouse. I like the Beatles as well, so I can't go too far wrong.

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你可以把这叫做利物浦精神,你在他们那里总是可以得到丰富多彩的争论和充满建设性的回馈。Call it Scouse nous or whatever, but they will always be colourful debate and largely constructive feedback.

对于众多国外球员,都有一件共同的学习任务——学习英语和了解利物浦人。你明白多少这里的方言了?For many foreign players it is one thing learning English and another to understand Scouse. How are you finding the local dialect?

他们没有侮辱我的意思,更多的是玩笑。我是利物浦人,我知道那是利物浦式的幽默。It wasn't nasty and they didn't insult me. It was more jokey . My family are from Liverpool, so I know what scouse humour is like.

达格利什同时提到了卡拉格和杰拉德的消息,这两位都因伤缺席了最近几周的比赛。Dalglish also provided an update on Scouse duo Jamie Carragher and Steven Gerrard, both of whom have been absent in recent weeks due to injury.

卡拉格同时称赞安菲尔德的青训系统启动,他说现在沿用利物浦人为队中核心的利物浦传统仍旧在继续。The Reds fans' favourite also praised the youth set-up at Anfield, and said the Scouse core of the team that Liverpool currently have will always continue.

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新的青年学院技术主教练古塞拉对俱乐部的年轻球员有自己独到的观点,其中之一就是他希望能够在未来为一队输送核心球员。New Academy technical manager Pep Segura has a vision for the club's youngsters, one that he hopes will provide the first-team with a Scouse heartbeat in the future.