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比如西兰花和甘蓝菜。Take broccoli and kale.

汤好抵得半顿饭。Good kale is half a meal.

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好汤抵得过半顿餐。Good kale is half a meal.

羽衣甘蓝也应该是嫩嫩的。The kale should be very tender.

或选择简单的麦制品或甘蓝菜来代替。Or simply choose quinoa or kale instead.

卷心菜是指芥菜、芜菁、羽衣甘蓝。Cabbage is related to mustard, turnips, kale and collards.

卷心菜与芥菜、大头菜、羽衣甘蓝同属一类。Cabbage is related to mustard, turnips, kale and collards.

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卷心菜是指芥菜、芜菁、羽衣甘蓝。Cabbage is related to mustard, turnips , kale and collards.

甘蓝也含有充分的萝卜硫素,另一种癌症预防剂。Kale is also full of sulforaphane, another cancer-prevention agent.

最后加入芥兰度兜匀,埋芡,上碟。Lastly, add kale and sauce. Thicken the sauce with cornstarch. Dish.

羽衣甘蓝富含维他命、矿物质以及增进健康的抗氧化物。Kale is full of vitamins, minerals and health-enhancing anti oxidants.

这个家庭的其他成员包括包菜、羽衣甘蓝、球芽甘蓝、无头甘蓝和大头菜。Other members include cabbage collards brussels sprouts kale and kohlrabi.

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选择那些绿色叶菜类食物,如菠菜和甘蓝,来大量补充B6。Choose leafy greens such as spinach and kale to get a powerful boost of B6.

与此同时,把羽衣甘蓝堆成束,切成薄长条。Meanwhile, stack the kale leaves in bunches and cut crosswise into slivers.

在丹麦,一个很流行的新年食物就是甜甘蓝菜煮肉桂。In Denmark, a popular New Year’s dish is sweetened kale cooked with cinnamon.

我喜欢甜菜根和甘蓝奶昔,外加少许姜黄和胡椒粉。I enjoy beetroot and kale smoothies with a dash of turmeric and ground pepper.

解决羽衣甘蓝叶绿素的脱除的技术问题。The invention solves the technical problem of the removal of chlorophyll from kale.

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如果嫌太苦吗,可以把甘蓝加进其他食物,例如面条酱、色拉或汤。Too bitter for you?Try adding kale to other foods such as pasta sauce, salad or soup.

卷心菜与芥菜、大头菜、羽衣甘蓝同属一类。Cabbages Cabbage is related with masters to mustard, turnips, kale and colourcollards.

往炖汤里加入羽衣甘蓝薄长条,继续炖15~20分钟。Add the kale to the simmering soup, and continue to simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes.