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走上前去简单地交谈几分钟。Go up to them and chit chat for a few minutes.

后来,他奉命担任启遂将军麾下二级参谋处长。Later, he was ordered to serve again as GSO Grade 2 under Gen Chit Swe.

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横跨聯捷街,可由荣福中心前往。Footbridge across Luen Chit Street and is accessible from Wing Fok Centre.

母亲必须有保健工作人员写的短笺,才能为她的婴儿获得脱脂牛乳。A mother must have a chit from a health worker to get skimmed milk for her baby.

連接横跨聯捷街的行人天桥,可由荣福中心前往。Link to footbridge across Luen Chit Street and is accessible from Wing Fok Centre.

于是,你最不愿意一位话匣子在用永无止境的鸡毛蒜皮的谈话来占去你的时间。So, the last thing you need is the Chatterbox eating up your time with endless chit chat.

从酒吧取白葡萄酒,检查酒标、年份是否与所点的酒相符。Obtain the wine from the bar. Check the wine label and bin number against order chit are correct.

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連接横跨聯捷街的行人天桥,可由荣福中心前往。It provides connection to a footbridge across Luen Chit Street and is accessible from Wing Fok Centre.

旅长漆督上校被广泛认为是在民主克伦佛教军组织及其军事派别最有影响力的人。Chit Thu is widely believed to be the most influential man in both the DKBA administration and its military wing.

对空调器的凝露及吹水问题进行分类分析,并对此提出了解决方法。The air conditioner condensation and chit problems are classified and analyzed and the solutions are put forward.

当在我们离开克伦边境自卫武装,我曾经与奇督少将就此争论我们为何离开,我现在和他失去联系。After we left the BGF I argued with Major General Chit Thu about why we were leaving. I've lost contact with him now.

克伦民族联盟称、奇督上校周四的言论,实际上只是缅甸军政权精心策划的另一种残酷的把戏。The KNU told Mizzima that Colonel Saw Chit Thu's comments were in fact just another cruel trick orchestrated by the Burmese regime.

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1950年,李哲师长教师将营业扩展到新加坡时,国人也有机缘享用这可口的小吃。All thanks to Mr Lee Chit Heng that Singaporeans get to enjoy this delicious snack when he expanded his operations to Singapore in 1950.

他们的夜晚和周末——甚至大部分的工作时间——都被电视、电脑游戏、上网、闲聊之类的活动占据。Their evenings and weekends — and even much of their work time – gets consumed by TV, computer games, internet addiction, idle chit chat, and so on.

你没有时间和顾客、其他人唠嗑,那么还有什么比发邮件更好的方法。You don't always have the time for chit chat when you have to deal with clients and other people in the field so what better way than just shoot them and email.

民主克伦佛教军主力999旅长漆督上校在克伦邦瑞谷谷民主克伦佛教军999特种部队总部举行的仪式面对约10,000人的群众大会说这番话的。Chit Thu made the remark in front of about 10,000 people at the ceremony held in Shwe Koko, the headquarters of the DKBA's special battalion 999, in Karen State.

民族团结党行政机关成员之一吴奇莱,曾经抱怨说,他想要一个公平的竞争环境,但联邦巩固发展党有许多优势和享有政府的支持。U Chit Hlaing, one of the executive members of the NUP, has complained that he wanted a level playing field, but the USDP has many advantages and enjoys government support.

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旅长漆督上校“我不希望看到我的士兵不断在克伦族内战中越来越继续死亡”。"I am unhappy to see that my Karen soldiers are getting killed during battles between Karen and Karen, " Col Chit Thu said, according to a source who attended the ceremony.

一家香港保险公司的业务员也对记者说,“原来都是我们跑到内地去卖地下保单,现在变成内地业务员跑到香港来拉保单了。”Hong Kong Insurance company's clerks also said to reporter that is originally we runs up to inland to sell the underground chit, now turned inland clerk to run up to Hong Kong to pull the chit.

在星期六和星期天,奇督上校和他的代表追随缅军前往勉吉纽参加会谈,虽然没有关于这次会谈的细节发布。On Saturday and Sunday, Chit Thu and his representatives went to Myaing Gyi Nyu to attend negotiations with the Burmese army, said sources, though there were no details forthcoming about the talks.