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我去游泳池了。I went to natatorium.

他们在游泳池游泳。They are swimming in the natatorium.

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实联服务总公司游泳馆。Natatorium of Shilian Service Head Co.

我经常和爸爸一起到游泳池游泳。I often go swimming in the natatorium with my dad.

到了游泳馆,我们游泳,嬉戏,奔跑。We were swimming natatorium , to play, and running.

北京回龙观附近的游泳馆以及价格。Beijing returns to a dragon observe the neighbouring natatorium and price.

在公共游泳场游泳时,要注意眼睛的消毒。When communal natatorium swims, want to notice the disinfection of the eye.

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炎炎夏日,越来越多的美眉选择到健身房或是游泳馆去锻炼身体。Sorching summer, more and more beautiful eyebrow choose gym or be natatorium goes exercising.

重庆市游泳、跳水馆屋盖设计采用四角锥焊接空心球节点钢管网壳。The roof of the natatorium of Chongqing adopts quadrangular pyramid with welding hollow sphere joints.

水球原定场地举行,但被转移到英东游泳馆。Water polo was originally planned to be hosted in the venue but was moved to the Ying Tung Natatorium.

介绍了佛山世纪莲体育中心游泳和跳水馆扩声系统工程。The sound reinforcement system of swimming & diving natatorium in Foshan Shijilian sports center is introduced.

英东游泳馆,位于朝阳区奥运村的国家奥林匹克体育中心内。The Ying Tung Natatorium is situated at the Olympic Sports Centre inside the Olympic Village, Chaoyang District.

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义乌游泳馆屋盖采用大跨度倒置式铝合金格构式结构在我国工程应用中尚属首次。The design approach for aluminium alloy grid structures and the design results of Yiwu Natatorium are presented.

无碱玻璃纤维喷射用合股无捻粗纱主要用于玻璃钢船体、冷藏室内衬板、卫生洁具、游泳池等。E glass spray up roving is mostly used to produce FRP boat hulls, safe board, sanitary apparatus and natatorium etc.

沈阳奥林匹克体育中心为一场三馆式布局,“一场”为主体育场,“三馆”为综合体育馆、游泳馆、网球馆。The Shenyang Olympic Sports Centre is consisted of a main stadium and an indoor stadium, a natatorium and a tennis court.

在章江新区游泳馆近日举行了江西省第十四届省运动会游泳比赛。In the Zhangjiang new natatorium swimming competition in Jiangxi Province recently held the fourteenth session of the games.

北邻体育馆,其造型独特,与环境融为一体。如何与其相融,而不造成冲突?How to integrate the Natatorium into the uniquely figured Gymnasium to its north, without any confliction to its surroundings?

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游泳馆内请勿潜水,跳水,请勿在游泳馆内追逐打闹,注意防滑。Do not dive in the swimming pool, Do not jump into water, Please do not chasing around in the natatorium , the attention of anti-skid.

金仙美在游泳馆碰巧遇到了自己的男朋友,于是金仙美想给他个惊喜,于是就躲到了他的旁边。Jin Xian beauty in the natatorium happened to meet her boyfriend, then Jin Xian beauty want to give him a surprise, so he fled to his side.

本文结合汕头游泳馆工程设计实例,对游泳馆的暖通空调设计特殊问题及相应的设计措施作了简要论述。In reference to the practice of designing , the author discusses the characteristics the HVAC design of natatorium and give some resolvents.