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这原始人吃了粗糙,难以咀嚼的食物。This hominid ate a rough and hard to chew diet.

原始人类中任何一个灭绝的猿物种和我们的关系都比黑猩猩更密切。A hominid is really any extinct ape more closely related to us than the chimpanzee.

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也译为布罗卡区是大脑的一区,它主管语言讯息的处理、话语的产生。Broca's area is a region of the hominid brain with functions linked to speech production.

弗洛瑞斯人的脑子那麽小,居然可能拥有控制火的技术?这个结论教人难以下嚥。That a hominid as cerebrally limited as this one might have had control of fire gives pause.

这种早期类人猿使用两条腿行走,生活在距今280万至220万年前。This early ape-like hominid walked on two legs and lived between 2.8 million and 2.2 million years ago.

博物学家、电视编剧大卫·阿滕伯勒勋爵和我俩人是最近触摸到这物品的人类。The naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough is, along with me, the latest hominid to handle it

通过对其头骨的测量,科学家们得出结论说,该种族的原始人拥有迄今为止发现的成年原始人中最小的大脑。Based on skull measurements, scientists concluded this species had the smallest adult hominid brain ever discovered.

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神龙家被称为野人居住地,是一个野蛮的没有被开发的原始人类居住地,原始人居住在山林里。The Shennongjia area is the alleged home of the Yeren, a wild undiscovered hominid that lives in the forested hills.

今天,尼安德特人可能是除了我们自己外最有名的原始人种,但他们在许多方面仍然神秘。Today Neandertals are likely the best known hominid species besides our own—yet they remain mysterious in many ways.

他认为,在过去的600万年到700万年里,史前人类的进化中至少出现了20个物种。Hominid evolution over the past 6 million to 7 million years includes at least two dozen species, in Tattersall’s view.

就施林峰同志对湖北建始龙骨洞“建始人”的时代提出的异议进行讨论。Shi argues that the age of the "Jianshi hominid" from the Longgudong Cave at Gaoping in Jianshi County of Hubei Province is 1.

科学家们还分析了从西班牙、英国和高加索地区的古人类遗址处出土的骨骼化石。The scientists also analyzed fossilized bone collections from ancient hominid sites in Spain, the U.K. and the Caucasus region.

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报道马坝人地点南支洞次生碳酸盐岩和骨化石样的铀系年代。This paper reports the U-series dating results of calcites and mammalian fossils from Southern Branch Cave of Maba hominid site.

第四纪的凉爽气温或许让我们的大脑比人类远祖的大脑更大。The cool temperatures of the Quaternary may have allowed our brains to become much larger than those of our of hominid ancestors.

人们通常认为直立人是现代人的直接祖先,也是第一个生活在洞穴中和学会用火的原始人类。H. erectus is generally believed to be the direct ancestor of modern humans and also the first hominid to live in caves and tame fire.

我们的祖先很可能面对过现在狒狒面对的来自美洲豹、老鹰和其他捕食者那样的威胁。Our small hominid ancestors probably faced the same kinds of threats that baboons do today from leopards, eagles, and other predators.

克莱恩认为,有必要到洞里进一步挖掘,厘清石器与人骨的层位关系。Further excavations are necessary to determine the stratigraphic relation between the implements and the hominid remains, Klein opines.

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科学家们无法决定到底这个非洲原始人类仅仅是进化失败的直立人的前身,还是现代人真正的祖先。Scientists can't decide whether this African hominid is just a failed predecessor of H. erectus or the rightful ancestor of modern humans.

“那颗乳齿臼齿和我以前见到过的所有古人类乳齿都不一样,”怀特告诉我说,“我和诹访元当时只能目瞪口呆的看着彼此,一句话都说不出来。"That milk molar was like no other hominid baby tooth I'd ever seen, and I'd seen them all, " White told me. "Gen and I just looked at each other.

另外,牙齿化石的磨损情况和对珐琅质的同位素分析表明,这些原始人的饮食特点与森林环境更为相符。Wear patterns on the hominid teeth and analysis of isotopes in their enamel also suggested a generalized diet more fitted to a woodland environment.