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我们还需要一本词汇索引。We also need a concordance.

对体重的自我感知是把估计与测量整合到一起而产生的一种方法。Self-perception of body weight is the degree of concordance between perceived and measured weight.

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基本上,重要语汇索引是一本书,列出圣经中的语汇和它们的出处。Basically a concordance is a book that takes all the words of the Bible and shows you where they occur.

建设医院特色文化,沟通人心,奉献真情,营造活泼畅快的氛围,促进了人与人的和谐。Creating hospital culture gived chance of exchanging views, promoted human concordance with each other.

你们会在周四或周五的课程中学到,重要语汇索引是什么,还有如何使用。You'll learn on Thursday or Friday in your sections what a concordance is,and you'll learn how to use it.

相关性度量,包括线性相关系数和和谐性相关性度量是传统方法。Dependence measures , including linear correlation coefficient and concordance measure, are traditional methods.

如果说同卵双生的一致性几率高于异卵双生的一致性几率,也许能说明基因的影响更为重要。If concordance is higher among identical twins with their identical genes,then genetic effects are probably more important.

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这与亚马逊水域的光环境是一致的,因为亚马逊水域传输长波最好。And this is in concordance with the light environment in Amazon waters, because Amazon waters transmit long wavelengths best.

遗传因素似乎也起到一定的作用,因为同卵双胞姐妹患同种病的概率是异卵双胞姐妹的两倍。Genetic factors also seem to play a role, as the concordance rate is two times higher in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins.

卫生工作者和利用相衬显微术在确定因冷冻而受损的瓶装疫苗和未冷冻样本上的结果完全一致。There was complete concordance between HCWs and phase-contrast microscopy in identifying freeze-damaged vials and non-frozen samples.

印模技术具有装饰多样化、立体装饰、图案易于与环境相协调等特点。It has diversification, tridimensional decorative purpose through Moulage Technology. And the design is in concordance with surrounding.

我们今天要想培育自由人格、建构和谐社会,必须对其人格理念重新审视。It is necessary to re-survey the theory if we intend using it in today's shaping of free personality and construction of concordance society.

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看看这些上去下来,你会看到他们很和谐一致,在约翰福音中不断反复出现。Just look up this coming and rising, you look up these words in a concordance and you'll find they occur over and over in the Gospel of John.

结果表明血清甲状腺激素与糖尿病的病情轻重有关,与型别无关。The results showed that the variations of serum thyroid hormones were in concordance with the severity of the disease but not the type of DM.

摘要调和与对比原理是统一与变化原理的拓展,他在皮鞋设计中的应用主要有六个方面。Concordance and contrast principle is the extension for unification and variation principle its application in shoes alesign mainly have six aspects.

直线相关分析显示,5-HT阳性细胞释放介质越多,胃感知阈值越低。Linear correlation analysis showed that the gastric perception threshold decreased in concordance with the increase of degranulation of 5-HT-positive cells.

检索取样器提供了多种查询方法,通过它使用者能够获得有关搜索词或短语等多达40行的检索实例。Cobuild Concordance Sampler provides a variety of search ways by which the users can obtain as many as 40 concordance lines of a search word or word combination.

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这样,原始序列得到保持保证了与历史资料的完整一致,简化执行步骤和系统的未来使用。Primer sequences have been maintained to ensure complete concordance with historical data sets, simplifying both the implementation and future use of the system.

评价了该方法的灵敏度、特异性、准确度和精密性,并通过临床100例血清样本,探讨上转换发光技术与化学发光检测方法的一致性。We evaluated the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and precision of this method, the concordance rate between UCP and Axsym was analyzed through 100 clinical sera.

本文就HIV-1表型耐药定义、检测方法、存在优缺点及其与基因型耐药检测结果一致性等进行综述。Definition, testing, advantage and disadvantage of phenotypic resistance assay of HIV-1 and its concordance with genotypic resistance assay were summarized in this paper.