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在的里雅斯特,炖肉通常搭配泡菜、香辣卷心菜等一起吃。In Trieste the dish may come with sauerkraut, spicy cabbage and other Slavic components.

在意大利全国都发生过抗议活动,包括罗马、那不勒斯、巴勒莫、的里雅斯特好有威尼斯。Protests took place across Italy, including Rome, Naples, Palermo, Bari, Trieste and Venice.

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从波罗的海的什切青到亚得里亚海边的的里雅斯特,一幅横贯欧洲大陆的铁幕已经降落下来。From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.

这还是鲁伊自从夏天在蒂利亚斯特对尤文的比赛,以及之后在纽约对切尔西的比赛进球后的第一进球。It was Rui's first strike since the summer when he netted in Trieste against Juventus and then Chelsea in New York.

目前,Trieste大学现正进行一场“零浪费”行动,旨在扩大回收,减少浪费及有毒物质。Currently, Trieste University, is conducting a "zero waste"operation, designed to expand recycling, reduce waste and toxic substances.

Hassan在最近的一次访谈中告诉本网站说,他希望TWAS将继续从得里亚斯特走向各个地区,并成为发展中国家科学问题的一个主要参与者。that he hopes TWAS will continue to devolve from Trieste into the regions and become a major player in developing world science issues.

1960年1月23号,两人驾驶特里亚斯特号沉潜到太平洋马里亚纳海沟的最深处。On Jan. 23, 1960, the two men took the Trieste to the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench, a ravine called Challenger Deep.

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1960年时,美国海军上尉唐·沃什和雅克·皮卡德乘坐的里雅斯特号深海潜水艇到达了35840英尺深的海沟底部。In 1960, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and Jacques Picard in the bathyscaph "Trieste" reached the bottom of the Trench at 35, 840 feet deep.

威尼斯是意大利东海岸对东方贸易的三大港口之一,其余的两个是它南边的巴利和北边的特利斯提。Venice is one of the three big ports on Italy’s eastern coast doing trade with Eastern countries, the other two being Bari to its south and Trieste to its north.

基督教徒们永远都能在的里雅斯特找到自己的教堂,城市的对外商业联系也丰富了教堂的种类,从塞尔维亚东正教到希腊东正教,应有尽有。No risk in Trieste for Christians of not finding a church to match their religion. The commercial links of the city have provided a wide variety such as Serb and Greek Orthodox.

Hassan在最近的一次访谈中告诉本网站说,他希望TWAS将继续从得里亚斯特走向各个地区,并成为发展中国家科学问题的一个主要参与者。Hassan told SciDev.Net in a recent interview that he hopes TWAS will continue to devolve from Trieste into the regions and become a major player in developing world science issues.

弗拉蒂尼是在意大利北部港口城市的里雅斯特举行的八大工业国集团外长会议的闭幕式上发表这番谈话的。Frattini was speaking at a closing press conference of the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Group of Eight industrialized nations in the northern Italian port city of Trieste.

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自伊朗发生选举引起的暴力事件以来,八国集团的外交部长首次在意大利城市的里雅斯特召开会议。Foreign Ministers of the G8 are gathering in the Italian city of Trieste for the first high-level meeting of leading western countries since the election-related violence began in Iran.